Ministry Of Health And Prevention Uae Salary in United Arab Emirates

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 62500 125000 187500 250000
Average Monthly Salary Ministry Of Health And Prevention Uae in United Arab Emirates AED 18,301

81 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

Ministry Of Health And Prevention UaeSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 2500 5000 7500 10000
document controller AED 2,017
store keeper AED 3,025
assistant nurse AED 3,428
registered nurse AED 5,042
it support engineer AED 5,499
physiotherapist AED 5,546
technical support engineer for cerner millenium AED 5,555
dental assistant AED 6,050
call center agent AED 6,050
public relations officer AED 6,050
staff nurse AED 6,363
radiographer AED 6,554
technical support technician AED 7,058
pharmacist AED 7,058
mep project engineer AED 7,058
administrative assistant AED 7,058
assistant in charge accident & emergency unit AED 7,407
as a pharmacist AED 7,407
medical librarian AED 7,407
desktop support administrator AED 7,563