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Operations Officer - Exports

Today 2025/07/10
Other Business Support Services
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Job Description

  1. Role       : Operations Officer - Exports
    Location : Abu Dhabi                      
    Key Accountabilities of the role      
  1. Exceptional delivery to ADIB’s valued internal/external customers, as per our set Standards and SLA/TAT with the business partners.
  2. Make sure to extend support to ensure swift operations to our IBG countries as per agreed SLA/TAT with them. 
  3. Achieve overall objective of the institution with no significant complaints from our valued customers.
  4. Make sure to avail your leave according to the plan. Your annual leaves must not conflict with your back up staff. Unit leaves plan must be submitted to HR by the end of January every year.
  5. All HR mandatory training must be completed without fail as per HR directives. 
  6. Focus on automation. Keep exploring opportunities to re-engineer existing processes to further enhance our productivity and efficiency.
  7. KPI/KRIs must remain intact. Transactions should be executed without frequent errors and without P&L on account of operational loss.
  8. All transactions must be executed in line with local regulations and international conventions such as UCP / URC / URR / ISP / ISBP.
  9. All our Institutional Operating Standards / Sharia Principles / Policies & Procedures must be adhered with while handling routine transactions/activities without fail. Exceptions, if any, instantly raise to Trade Head to first control the damage and then to evaluate and to take appropriate actions.
  10. Incidents/issues must be captured on ORM GRC, as per defined time frame as laid down in our institutional policy/procedure.
  11. Information security and record management should be ensured as per institutional policies. Make sure to keep all our records intact without single compromise over institutional policies / procedure over information security.
  12. All records including but not limited documents/files/instruments should remain intact with the designated staff only. For overnight, all documents/records/instruments etc., should be kept locked & key including swift printers.
  13. Coordinate with designated staff of the unit to manage monthly archival of records to shift it to the offsite storage/warehouse.
  14. Carry out annual physical verification of all our live records and share the report with TFD Head.
  15. Carry out random sampling of your area to ensure full compliance over clean desk policy. Exceptions, if any, should be immediately raised to the Trade Head.
  16. Make sure archiving of data/records by upload full set of documents along with approvals and email communications in the trade system (EE system) for all the transactions executed as per defined standards. 
  17. Coordinate with unit BCP coordinator to ensure and complete BCP activities e.g., testing / call tree etc.

Core objective of the position is to ensure:

  1. Make sure following for export bills:
  2. All outward bills/documents must be it under LC or Collection instantly register in the trade system without delays.
  3. Proper acknowledgement should be recorded for all bills/documents receiving daily from customer/CSU/mail & cable.
  4. All bills/documents should be scrutinized / check strictly within stipulated time given in Uniform Customs & Practices (UCP-600).
  5. All bills/documents must be scrutinize / checked as per international standard banking practice (ISBP-745).
  6. Bills/documents for large amount should follow 4 eyes principles for checking.
  7. Discrepancies must be appropriate and accurate i.e., contravening any LC terms or violating any rules as laid down in UCP/ISBP.
  8. Discrepancies intimation against bills/documents to be sent to the customers &/or document presenting bank instantly i.e., within 5 working days without fail.
  9. All outward bills/documents must be accurately and timely dispatch to different FIs for timely payments/settlements. 
  10. Ensure to get AWB from courier vendor and keep up to date records of all the documents dispatched to different FIs. 
  11. Keep tracking of our outstanding bills with tracers to timely dispose of these bills / documents accordingly.
  12. Make sure all bills are registered in the trade system to reflect their maturities in month EMBR. 
  13. Proactively, send reminders/tracers to the business RMs, CSU, nominated/collecting banks, as the case may be for pending payments/acceptances. 
  14. Confirm status of the bills to the customer at the earliest to avoid unnecessary delays, which become issues at a later stage.
  15. Share pending bills report with the respective, business RMs/CSU or Risk wherever appropriate to dispose of pending bills within reasonable time.
  16. Before activation/authorization of bills on system, make sure end-to-end completeness of the transactions.
  17. Make sure to refer transactions to GCD without fail for all high risk jurisdiction. 
  18. Referral must be made to IMB for transport documents verification as per set standards.
  19. Make sure all financials are booked accurately as per approved chart of account. Fee based income/commission/charges should have to be booked appropriately and accruals are being booked as per set chart of account. 
  20. Pending fee, if any, should be timely realized and booked. For pending fee/commission, follow up regularly and escalate it as appropriate.
  21. Make sure no unwarranted items remain pending in trade transit/sundry account.
  22. All projects or special assignments must be delivered as per given target dates. Keep tracking and ongoing monitoring of projects/special assignments to ensure its successful completion per agreed time lines.
  23. Coordinate with unit UORM in carrying out RCSA exercise in relation to Export Bills Payments and Financing transactions.
  24. Be prepared for all internal/external audits. Make sure to provide audits deliverables on time.
  25. Keep tracking and monitoring of all audit items to ensure its closure on ORM GRC as per given target dates.
  26. All regulatory reporting should be done on time. 
  27. Make sure to carry out daily critical activities, as disclosed in the departmental memo.
  28. Make sure to carry out monthly proofing and its reporting to ICD.
  29. Check Lists – Make sure that required processing checklist is available to use for all critical processes/products. These checklists should be reviewed regularly to make changes, if any, appropriately.
  30. SOPs – Make sure to revisit our SOPs as per frequency defined by ORM SOP team to complete the review and submission on time.
  31. PPGs – Take part aggressively to review the new PPG or changes in the existing one to ensure it is all align from operations point of view. Concerns, if any, must be raised with the Trade Head through line manager.
  32. All large ticket, complex or structured trade transactions must be referred to TFD Head through line manager for discussion to ensure end-to-end completeness of such transactions.
  33. Make sure that there is nothing pending for the day end, and all routine transactions/activities are completed before to leave the office. 
  34. Exceptions will only be handled post necessary discussion with Trade Head through line manager.
  35. Groom your backup staff to perform BAU in your absence. Also ensure to perform as a backup for the staff assigned to you to ensure BAU without possible issues/challenges.
  36. Make sure to carry out daily critical activities, as disclosed in the departmental memo.
  37. Make sure to refer transactions to GCD without fail for all high-risk jurisdiction or wherever any concern or red flags are detected on account of Sanction while handling/screening a transaction.
  38. As a documents checker ensure All bills/documents must be scrutinized / checked strictly within stipulated time given in Uniform Customs & Practices (UCP-600) and as per international standard banking practice (ISBP-745).
  39. Manage multiple tasks with cross functional expertise across the TFD products portfolio.
  40. Ensure prompt and effective resolution of customer service unit queries by addressing the concerns in a timely manner. 
  41. Adhere to the deadlines while maintaining high-quality deliverables.
  42. Assist and coordinate senior management in multiple projects ensuring timely completion.
  43. Assist in Troubleshot the problems and report significant technical concerns to the appropriate departments.
  44. SPOKE for monthly exports collection bill closures, circulate the monthly unpaid/unaccepted bills for collection and assign the reference with the team for timely closure as per SOP.
  45. SPOKE for fortnightly tracer/chasers for exports for bill under LC, download the and circulate the reports for unpaid/unaccepted bills for forwarded under LC and assign the transactions with the team for timely response from issuing/confirm bank as per SOP. Weekly monitor the Business Process Queue Report for (Export_.

Total Time % each job required yearly:

To manage existing volumes with the given head count on an average of 10 hours / per day are being spent to manage routine trade transactions / volumes along with other activities e.g., Proofing, MIS, BCP, KRIs, RCSA, Projects, Queries over phone/emails, Meetings etc.

Job Competencies (As per the Attachments)                                                                                                                          

  1. Exceptional delivery to be acknowledged by the customers.
  2. Stringent controls by following TFD’s SOPs and other institutional policies/procedures.
  3. Being seen as a leader by customers and staff in other departments
  4. Building and maintaining morale among colleagues 
  5. Ability to provide feedback / constructive criticism.
  6. Ability to deal with difficult customers, client complaints, conflicts etc.

Previous experience required 

Highly experienced staff holding CDCS Certification ICC based on 9 years of Banking exposure

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