Job Description
Lighting Control System (AMC) 2025
Contract Posted On: January 15, 2025 Closing On: January 30, 2025 Planned preventative and reactive maintenance of ABB Lighting control system components as per attached ABB asset lists. Non comprehensive apart from minor consumables, fuses, insulating tape and the like. All inclusive labour for one year for all services including labour for replacing spare parts which become faulty during the contract period. Planned preventative schedule shall be quarterly (every 3 months) to thoroughly check, clean and analyse errors remaining on the system. Check all connected devices are functioning properly and communicating without faults. The Supplier shall provide the necessary tools, testing equipment and diagnostics included in the service fee. Any major spare parts required and approved by the client will be reimbursed to the supplier at cost + 10% + VAT. The client reserves the right to issue a Request For Quotation to other suppliers for major components exceeding AED 5,000 in value. The fee must include any reprogramming required due to corruption or replacement of the defective devices. Reprogramming due to any requirement to extend or upgrade the system is excluded and will be covered under separate quotations if required. The service provider must offer an emergency call out service for major high priority complaints. Unscheduled callouts will be limited to a maximum of 12 per year outside of normal business hours and unlimited call outs for complaints occurring during business hours. The service provider should indicate within their proposal, the fee for out of hours emergency callouts where the number exceeds 12 per year. The service provider must maintain a rolling backup copy of the system software and parameters and reinstall the latest backup in the event of software corruption occurring. The service provider is required to provide a soft copy script of system parameters and settings at each quarterly service for review by the facilities Manager. The service provider is required to review the system settings and parameters and recommend any improvements to the Facilities Manager which will result in energy savings and improved efficiency of the system. Any changes to the system parameters or settings required by the Facilities Manager, or due to changes in season, will be carried out by the Service Provider during the quarterly service visit at no extra cost.
Conflict of Interest
The Supplier certifies that to the best of his knowledge and belief no economic, beneficial, or managerial relationship exists between the Supplier and any employee of Itihad Community Management (ICM) or between Supplier and any relative of an employee of ICM or any of its agents, which would tend in any way to influence such employee in performance of his or her duties on behalf of ICM or its agents in connection with the awarding, making, amending, or making a determination concerning performance of its proposal the work or the agreement.
Exchanges or offering of any money, gift item, personal service, entertainment or unusual hospitality by the Supplier to the employees or agents is expressly prohibited. This prohibition is equally applicable to officers, employees, or immediate family members of ICM’s agents. Any violation of this provision constitutes a material breach of ICM’s terms of agreements.
ICM may by written notice to the Supplier disqualify and reject the Supplier’s proposal and terminate the agreement without any liability whatsoever on part of ICM or any of its agents if finding (a) that vendor violated the certification contained in this declaration regarding conflict of interest; or (b) that gratuities were offered or given by the Supplier or any of its employees , agents or representatives, to any officers or employees of ICM or its agents awarding making and/or amending an RFP document or agreement or securing favorable treatment with respect to the performance of such agreement.
Itihad Community Management is not under any obligation to accept the lowest or any proposal.