Position at Aspen Heights Educational Facilities Management Sole Proprietorship LLC
Secondary – Chemistry Teacher Role Profile
Purpose of Role
The purpose of the role of Chemistry Teacher is to share the responsibility for planning, teaching and assessments of the subjects assigned that guides and encourages students to develop and fulfill their academic potential. They must take responsibility for promoting high standards of literacy and articulacy as well as set high expectations and standards which inspire, motivate and challenge pupils. The Chemistry Teacher will be a suitably qualified educator with a proven capacity to lead and effectively deliver teaching and learning to a very high standard. They will be accountable for ensuring that children are inspired, motivated and equipped to make as much progress with their learning as possible and as independently as possible. The incumbent will work closely with colleagues and support the work of the school. They will require initiative, be empathetic and proactive, with a personable and positive character. The post holder will be required to have a positive impact on the work of the school e.g. through subject leadership, as a form tutor and extra-curricular activities. Experience working with students for whom English is an additional language would be an advantage.
About the School:
Aspen Heights British School (AHBS) is a truly inclusive school based on the outskirts of Abu Dhabi. We are proud of our inclusive ethos and our commitment to ensuring all children are provided with personalised learning experiences and the proper support to ensure they can make progress in learning in all areas.
ISP Principles
Begin with our children and students. Our children and students are at the heart of what we do. Simply, their success is our success. Wellbeing and safety are both essential for learners and learning. Therefore, we are consistent in identifying potential safeguarding and Health & Safety issues and acting and following up on all concerns appropriately.
Treat everyone with care and respect. We look after one another, embrace similarities and differences and promote the well-being of self and others.
Operate effectively. We focus relentlessly on the things that are most important and will make the most difference. We apply school policies and procedures and embody the shared ideas of our community.
Are financially responsible. We make financial choices carefully based on the needs of the children, students and our schools.
Learn continuously. Getting better is what drives us. We positively engage with personal and professional development and school improvement.
Chemistry Teacher Key Responsibilities
Learning and Teaching
- Setting tasks which challenge pupils and ensure high levels of interest through practical investigations
- Setting clear targets, building on prior progress and attainment
- Identifying SEN/EAL pupils
- Providing clear structures for lessons, maintaining pace, motivation and challenge
- Making effective use of assessment and ensure coverage of programmes of study
- Maintaining high standards of work and homework
- Using a variety of teaching methods to match approach to content, structure information and present information.
- Use effective questioning, listen carefully to pupils, give attention to errors and misconceptions.
- Select appropriate learning resources and develop study skills through library, I.C.T. and other sources
- Ensuring pupils acquire and consolidate knowledge, skills and understanding appropriate to the subject taught
- Ensuring the effective and efficient deployment of classroom support
- Encouraging pupils to think and talk about their learning, develop self-control and independence, concentrate and persevere, and listen attentively
- Involved in developing, implementing and monitoring subject policy and to assist in the production of such documentation when required
- Ensures that the children’s work is marked, displayed and presented to a high standard in the classroom and throughout the school and are changed regularly
- Consistently and diligently apply and uphold the rules of the school in order to maintain discipline, dress code and to ensure the happiness, safety and well-being of all pupils and community
- Maintains, with the rest of the staff, high standards of conduct both in and out of the classroom, acting in a way that is honest, justifiable and in the best interests of the pupils
- Maintains smart and professional standards of appearance with particular attention to, and awareness of, cultural sensitivities
- Supports the School Improvement Plan in relation to the curriculum and the continuing improvement of student achievement
Monitoring, Assessing, Recording and Reporting
- Monitors and evaluates the effectiveness of personal teaching to maintain high standards and ensure student progression
- Evaluates own teaching critically to improve effectiveness
- Participates in classroom observation of colleagues (peer observations) when required and participates in observations by peers
- Submits books, records or planning as required for monitoring by colleagues or SLT
- Marks and monitors pupils' work and regularly set targets for progress
- Assesses and records pupils' progress systematically and keep records to check work is understood and completed, monitors strengths and weaknesses
- Plans and recognizes the level at which the pupil is achieving;
- Undertakes assessment of students as requested through departmental and school procedures
- Prepares and presents informative reports to parents
- Regularly assesses the pupils’ work by means of formal and informal termly, half termly assessment and end of units as directed by SLT
- Communicates with the school SENCO and Head of Key Stage regarding any pupil whose progress or behaviour gives cause for concern
- Keeps records and ensures that they are available for sharing with colleagues and / or inspection by members of the SLT, ISP and ADEK Inspection team
- Assists with the resourcing of the subjects taught, as directed by the Head of Key Stage/department
Health and Safety
- Emphasizes the importance of safety in all areas of the curriculum, communicating to the pupils the importance of a responsible attitude towards personal safety, the safety of others and respect for Aspen Heights British School’s property and equipment
- Perform all playground duties on time and with due diligence to safeguard Aspen students
- Take all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities
- Ensure that, all the necessary health and safety rules and procedures are being followed
- Maintain an awareness of all the health and safety measures to be taken when in school
Communication with Parents
- Communicates with parents on a regular, informal basis and to deal with day to day queries
- Attends Parents’ Evenings as required and to provide accurate, honest information regarding the progress of individuals at these meetings
- Reports to the parents in the form of written reports twice yearly or when required by the SLT
Staff Development, ECA & Cover
- Attends and participates fully, in Staff Development, staff meetings and briefings as set
- Provides cover for absent colleagues as and when necessary