Annual Maintenance Contract for Waste Collection Services ( 01 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2027)
Contract Posted On: January 9, 2025 Closing On: January 27, 2025
Service Frequency:
Waste collection and disposal – 3 days per week
Asset Description:
Size of bins: 2.5CBM Ownership of Bins: Client
General Terms:
Shall provide collection trucks suitable for the container to be collected, removed, transported, and emptied. Municipality charges shall be included in the offer. Provide the monthly reports including the waste manifest corresponding to the scheduled waste collection by the Second Party. Assist on matters related to its Waste Reduction Action Plan to be submitted to the Government authorities in accordance with the existing regulations (when required. Inform immediately of any breaches in health and safety law and regulation. Issuance of the valid manifest with accurately filled information duly signed and stamped from landfill on the following day.
Manpower Obligations:
Driver / Operator Labor(s) during the waste collection Supervisor to do the necessary checking to ensure the services are provided in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.
Health and Safety:
Shall ensure that all health and safety matters concerning the Agreement are dealt in accordance with: The Health and Safety Policy; and The Health and Safety at Work etc. and all other Laws pertaining to health and safety of employees and other affected persons.
Safety Policy:
The workforce shall be provided with proper uniform, hand gloves, face masks, and other safety equipment to be used while on duty. Shall take special care to seclude the area of our work by proper partition and provide signboard around work area. Clean the area completely after completion of the work and never leave tools, waste, etc. at the worksite. The vendor is solely responsible for any liability that may arise due to the injury sustained to its employees during their work under this agreement.
Service Frequency:
Waste collection and disposal – 3 days per week
Asset Description:
Size of bins: 2.5CBM Ownership of Bins: Client
General Terms:
Shall provide collection trucks suitable for the container to be collected, removed, transported, and emptied. Municipality charges shall be included in the offer. Provide the monthly reports including the waste manifest corresponding to the scheduled waste collection by the Second Party. Assist on matters related to its Waste Reduction Action Plan to be submitted to the Government authorities in accordance with the existing regulations (when required. Inform immediately of any breaches in health and safety law and regulation. Issuance of the valid manifest with accurately filled information duly signed and stamped from landfill on the following day.
Manpower Obligations:
Driver / Operator Labor(s) during the waste collection Supervisor to do the necessary checking to ensure the services are provided in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.
Health and Safety:
Shall ensure that all health and safety matters concerning the Agreement are dealt in accordance with: The Health and Safety Policy; and The Health and Safety at Work etc. and all other Laws pertaining to health and safety of employees and other affected persons.
Safety Policy:
The workforce shall be provided with proper uniform, hand gloves, face masks, and other safety equipment to be used while on duty. Shall take special care to seclude the area of our work by proper partition and provide signboard around work area. Clean the area completely after completion of the work and never leave tools, waste, etc. at the worksite. The vendor is solely responsible for any liability that may arise due to the injury sustained to its employees during their work under this agreement.
Service Frequency:
Waste collection and disposal – 3 days per week
Asset Description:
Size of bins: 2.5CBM Ownership of Bins: Client
General Terms:
Shall provide collection trucks suitable for the container to be collected, removed, transported, and emptied. Municipality charges shall be included in the offer. Provide the monthly reports including the waste manifest corresponding to the scheduled waste collection by the Second Party. Assist on matters related to its Waste Reduction Action Plan to be submitted to the Government authorities in accordance with the existing regulations (when required. Inform immediately of any breaches in health and safety law and regulation. Issuance of the valid manifest with accurately filled information duly signed and stamped from landfill on the following day.
Manpower Obligations:
Driver / Operator Labor(s) during the waste collection Supervisor to do the necessary checking to ensure the services are provided in accordance with the agreed terms and conditions.
Health and Safety:
Shall ensure that all health and safety matters concerning the Agreement are dealt in accordance with: The Health and Safety Policy; and The Health and Safety at Work etc. and all other Laws pertaining to health and safety of employees and other affected persons.
Safety Policy:
The workforce shall be provided with proper uniform, hand gloves, face masks, and other safety equipment to be used while on duty. Shall take special care to seclude the area of our work by proper partition and provide signboard around work area. Clean the area completely after completion of the work and never leave tools, waste, etc. at the worksite. The vendor is solely responsible for any liability that may arise due to the injury sustained to its employees during their work under this agreement.
NOTE TO VENDORSAs per the rules, all vendors supplying services in the Emirate of Dubai must have trade license issued by relevant authority in the Emirate of Dubai. Before you apply for any job in the Emirate of Dubai, please make sure to comply with regulatory requirements. Failure to do so can result in stoppage of funds through Escrow Account. *HOAM bears no liability towards any payment that is withheld by the Escrow Operator.
b. consider all risks, contingencies and other circumstances relating to the delivery of the Requirements and include adequate provision in its Proposal to manage such risks and contingencies. c. document in its Proposal all assumptions and qualifications made about the delivery of the Requirements, including any assumption that HOAM or a third party will deliver any aspect of the Requirements or incur any cost related to the delivery of the Requirements. 12. HOAM will convene an evaluation panel comprising members chosen for their relevant expertise and experience. In addition, HOAM may invite independent advisors to evaluate any Proposal, or any aspect of any Proposal. a. each Vendor’s understanding of the Requirements, capability to fully deliver the Requirements and willingness to meet the terms and conditions of the Proposed Contract 22. HOAM will advise Vendors if they have been shortlisted or not. Being shortlisted does not constitute acceptance by HOAM of the Vendor’s Proposal, or imply or create any obligation on HOAM to enter into negotiations with, or award a Contract for delivery of the Requirements to any shortlisted Vendor/s. At this stage in the RFP process HOAM will not make public the names of the shortlisted Vendors.
1. All enquiries regarding the RFP must be directed to HOAM’s Point of Contact.
2. Vendors must not directly or indirectly approach any representative of HOAM, or any other person, to solicit information concerning any aspect of the RFP.
3. Only the Point of Contact, and any authorised person of HOAM, are authorised to communicate with Vendors regarding any aspect of the RFP. HOAM will not be bound by any statement made by any other person.
4. HOAM may change the Point of Contact at any