Annual Maintenance Contract for Façade Cleaning Services (01 Jan 2025 - 31 Dec 2027)
Contract Posted On: January 15, 2025 Closing On: January 22, 2025 Shall adhere and comply strictly with the Local authorities’ safety regulations pertaining to work at the job site, and Rope Access The procedure, certified by IRATA. Job activities shall be carried out in accordance with safe working practices, description, location, climatic conditions under which the work is being performed. Personnel shall be provided with Company approved safety gear such as Coverall, Hard Hat, Antistatic Safety Shoes, Cotton Hand Gloves with leather fingers type, Full body harness, Safety glasses clear as well as grey or black, earplugs etc. Any Work Permits required from the relevant authorities shall be the responsibility of the vendor. Chemical used for the cleaning shall be ecofriendly, biodegradable, and ecofriendly. Shall advise the client on the weather conditions that are suitable for carrying out the façade cleaning work. Shall notify the client of any observations of façade glass broken areas to prepare the safety measures on the below floors. Further shall assist the building team on any requirements to safeguard the building. Schedules of work for individual elevations shall be provided at the building to prepare the necessary arrangements to barricade the traffic on the ground floor. The contractor shall clean up, remove, and dispose of all debris associated with this work. All work, including the start-up of equipment, is to be performed during regular working hours. The vendor shall furnish proper supervision on the job to ensure that all work performed meets a level of quality acceptable. A cleaning certificate shall be issued.
NOTE TO VENDORSAs per the rules, all vendors supplying services in the Emirate of Dubai must have trade license issued by relevant authority in the Emirate of Dubai. Before you apply for any job in the Emirate of Dubai, please make sure to comply with regulatory requirements. Failure to do so can result in stoppage of funds through Escrow Account. *HOAM bears no liability towards any payment that is withheld by the Escrow Operator.
b. consider all risks, contingencies and other circumstances relating to the delivery of the Requirements and include adequate provision in its Proposal to manage such risks and contingencies. c. document in its Proposal all assumptions and qualifications made about the delivery of the Requirements, including any assumption that HOAM or a third party will deliver any aspect of the Requirements or incur any cost related to the delivery of the Requirements. 12. HOAM will convene an evaluation panel comprising members chosen for their relevant expertise and experience. In addition, HOAM may invite independent advisors to evaluate any Proposal, or any aspect of any Proposal. a. each Vendor’s understanding of the Requirements, capability to fully deliver the Requirements and willingness to meet the terms and conditions of the Proposed Contract 22. HOAM will advise Vendors if they have been shortlisted or not. Being shortlisted does not constitute acceptance by HOAM of the Vendor’s Proposal, or imply or create any obligation on HOAM to enter into negotiations with, or award a Contract for delivery of the Requirements to any shortlisted Vendor/s. At this stage in the RFP process HOAM will not make public the names of the shortlisted Vendors.
1. All enquiries regarding the RFP must be directed to HOAM’s Point of Contact.
2. Vendors must not directly or indirectly approach any representative of HOAM, or any other person, to solicit information concerning any aspect of the RFP.
3. Only the Point of Contact, and any authorised person of HOAM, are authorised to communicate with Vendors regarding any aspect of the RFP. HOAM will not be bound by any statement made by any other person.
4. HOAM may change the Point of Contact at any time. This notification may be posted on the system.
Where a Vendor has an existing contract with HOAM then business as usual communications, for the purpose of managing delivery of that contract, will continue using the usual contacts. Vendors must not use business as usual contacts to lobby HOAM, solicit information or discuss aspects of the RFP.
6. Each Vendor must accept and adhere to the Conflict of Interest declaration in the Response Form and must immediately inform HOAM should a Conflict of Interest arise during the RFP process. A material Conflict of Interest may result in the Vendor being disqualified from participating further in the RFP.
7. Vendors must not attempt to influence or provide any form of personal inducement, reward or benefit to any representative of HOAM in relation to the RFP.
8. A Vendor who attempts to do anything prohibited may be disqualified from participating further in the RFP process.
9. HOAM reserves the right to require additional declarations, or other evidence from a Vendor, or any other person, throughout the RFP process to ensure probity of the RFP process.
10. Vendors must not engage in collusive, deceptive or improper conduct in the preparation of their Proposals or other submissions or in any discussions or negotiations with HOAM. Such behaviour will result in the Vendor being disqualified from participating further in the RFP process. In submitting a Proposal the Vendor warrants that its Proposal has not been prepared in collusion with a Competitor.
11. HOAM reserves the right, at its discretion, to report suspected collusive or anticompetitive conduct by Vendors to the appropriate authority and to give that authority all relevant information including a Vendor’s Proposal.
12. HOAM and Vendor will each take reasonable steps to protect Confidential Information and, without limiting any confidentiality undertaking agreed between them, will not disclose Confidential Information to a third party without the other’s prior written consent.
13. HOAM and Vendor may each disclose Confidential Information to any person who is directly involved in the RFP process on its behalf, such as officers, employees, consultants, contractors, professional advisors, evaluation panel members, partners, principals or directors, but only for the purpose of participating in the RFP.
14. Vendors acknowledge that by law, HOAM will not be in breach of its obligations if Confidential Information is disclosed by HOAM to the appropriate authority because of suspected collusive or anticompetitive tendering behaviour. Where HOAM receives a request that relates to a Vendor’s Confidential Information HOAM will consult with the Vendor and may ask the Vendor to explain why the information is considered by the Vendor to be confidential or commercially sensitive.
15. For the duration of the RFP, to the date of the announcement of the Successful Vendor, or the end of the RFP process, the Vendor agrees to keep the RFP strictly confidential and not make any public statement to any third party in relation to any aspect of the RFP, the RFP process or the award of any Contract without HOAM’s prior written consent.
16. A Vendor may disclose RFP information to any person but only for the purpose of participating in the RFP. The Vendor must take reasonable steps to ensure that such recipients do not disclose Confidential Information to any other person or use Confidential Information for any purpose other than responding to the RFP.
17. Each Vendor will meet its own costs associated with the preparation and presentation of its Proposal and any negotiations.
Ownership of documents
18. The RFP and its contents remain the property of HOAM. All Intellectual Property rights in the RFP remain the property of HOAM or its licensors. HOAM may request the immediate return or destruction of any or all RFP documents and any copies. Vendors must com