*** Turkish version below ***
Join the GSK Commercial Graduate Programme – Türkiye, 2025: Help us get ahead of disease together
Education required: Bachelor’s degree from university, preferably in Business Management, Industrial Engineering, Marketing, Economics, Finance, Pharmacy, Biological Sciences, etc.
Graduation by 06/2025
Language requirement: Written and spoken fluency in English and Turkish
Other requirements: Willingness to be geographically mobile (domestic) throughout rotations
Expected Start date:July 2025
Application deadline: We recommend you apply as soon as possible. This vacancy will close when we have received enough applications, so please apply as soon as you can so your application can be considered.
Assessment Centre Date: May 2025
Are you a talented and driven student or graduate eager to make an impact on billions of lives? Apply for the Commercial programme at GSK today!
GSK is a global biopharma company with a special purpose - to unite science, technology, and talent to get ahead of disease together. We aim to impact the health of 2.5 billion people around the world in the next 10 years.Our success depends on our people, and we want GSK to be a place where everyone feels inspired, encouraged, and challenged to be the best they can be.
At GSK, we are dedicated to using science, technology, and talent to unite and get ahead of disease together. Our goal is to impact the health of 2.5 billion people globally in the next decade. To achieve this, we need the best talent to fuel our growth engine – the Commercial organization.
Ahead together with tailored training and career development
Are you a graduate with a passion for driving business growth and innovation in the healthcare industry? Our Early Talent Programme in Commercial offers a unique opportunity to develop your skills and gain hands-on experience in a dynamic environment. You’ll work on 2 to 3 rotations in areas such as Sales, Marketing, and breadth roles like Commercial Excellence, Omnichannel, Digital, Insights & Analytics, Consumer Marketing Insights, Experience Journey for HCPs, Life Cycle Innovation, New Assets Launch Excellence, Pricing & Market Access, Competitive Brand Strategy and more to accelerate your skills, experiences and exposure to unlock impact.
Join our Early Talent Programme in the Commercial organization and embark on a journey through 2 to 3 rotations in Sales, Marketing, and breadth roles such as Commercial Excellence, Omnichannel, Digital, Insights & Analytics, Consumer Marketing Insights, Experience Journey for HCPs, Life Cycle Innovation, New Assets Launch Excellence, Pricing & Market Access, Competitive Brand Strategy, and more. This programme is designed to amplify skills of the future and develop the next generation of leaders in the commercial space, equipping you with the skills and experiences needed to excel in a dynamic healthcare environment.
What will you do?
Sales Rotation: Gain hands-on experience in sales, understanding customer needs, and driving business growth.(8 months)
Marketing Rotation: Develop and execute marketing strategies, manage campaigns, and analyze market trends.(8 months)
Breadth Roles Rotation: Work in areas like Commercial Excellence, Omnichannel, Digital, Insights & Analytics, Consumer Marketing Insights, Experience Journey for HCPs, Life Cycle Innovation, New Assets Launch Excellence, Pricing & Market Access, and Competitive Brand Strategy. (8 months)
What are we looking for?
Innovative Thinking: Fresh ideas that boost productivity and efficiency.
Passion for Healthcare: A strong interest in pursuing a career in the healthcare industry.
Communication Skills: Excellent communication and problem-solving abilities.
Growth Mindset: A focus on growth and learning.
What do we offer you?
Flexible Working: We offer flexibility with a hybrid working model that allows for both office and remote work.
Career Opportunities: We offer rotations in Commercial functions via Early Talent Programme and various career opportunities in GSK via internal job posts.
Inclusive Work Environment: We offer an environment that values diversity and where every individual feels appreciated.
Mentorship: At GSK, we offer one-on-one mentorship from experienced professionals, meeting individuals who will guide you at every stage of your career.
Global Network: We offer GSK’s international network, collaboration with people from different cultures and gaining a global perspective.
Let’s do this!
You’ll find hints, tips and guidance on our recruitment process on our website
Learn more about the application process gsk.to/ECprocess
Once you've submitted your online application form, you'll need to complete two online assessments prior to the assessment centre stage and as part of this, you'll be asked about your motivation for the role: We’d like to hear about why you applied to this role and your motivation for the business area you’ve applied to. You will be asked a 2nd question on what strengths, skills or interests you have that will enable you to be successful in this role. Please be as targeted as you can!
Top tip: Make sure you save this job description for reference throughout the process, it will really help you prepare for the different stages in your application.
You can learn more about GSK and our careers here https://www.gsk.com/en-gb/careers/
Our Graduate Programmes are designed to accelerate the development of graduates who don’t have significant previous professional work experience in the area to which they are applying. Of course, many graduates who join the programme have worked while studying or after graduation. If you’ve already developed substantial experience working in a professional role in your sector, while you would be able to apply for this programme, you may also want to look at direct entry roles in our businesses, as these may be the best way to build on your existing skills and expertise and develop a career at GSK.
Apply now!
We’re 100% open to all talent – whatever your gender, marital status, religion, age, colour, race, sexual orientation, nationality or disability. We want to recruit the right people for GSK from the widest possible backgrounds, so we can better serve the diversity of our patients. And, because it’s the right thing to do.
You can learn more about Inclusion and diversity at GSK gsk.to/DEI
Need help with your application?
Please email us at EMEA.earlycareers@gsk.com and let us know how we can help you.
*** Turkish version ***
GSK TicariYetenekProgramı’naKatılın – Türkiye, 2025: Hastalıklarınönünegeçmemizebirlikteyardımedin
Eğitim:Üniversitelerden, tercihenİşletmeYönetimi, EndüstriMühendisliği, Pazarlama, Ekonomi, Finans, Eczacılık, BiyolojikBilimler vb. alanlardalisansderecesi. 06/2025 itibarıylamezuniyet.
Dil Gereksinimi: YazılıvesözlüolarakİngilizceveTürkçeakıcılığı.
DiğerGereksinimler:Rotasyonlarboyuncacoğrafiolarakhareketedebilmeisteği (yurt içi).
BeklenenBaşlangıçTarihi:Temmuz 2025.
Başvuru son tarihi:Mümkünolanenkısasüredebaşvurmanızıöneririz. Yeterlibaşvurualdığımızdabuilankapanacaktır, buyüzdenbaşvurunuzundeğerlendirilebilmesiiçinenkısasüredebaşvurunuzuyapın.
DeğerlendirmeMerkeziTarihi:Mayıs 2025.
Milyarlarcainsanınhayatınıetkilemekiçinhevesliveyeteneklibirmezunmusunuz? Bugün GSK Ticariprogramınabaşvurun!
GSK, hastalıklarınönünegeçmekiçinbilimi, teknolojiyiveyeteneğibirleştirmeamacıolanküreselbirbiyofarmaşirketidir. BaşarımızinsanlarımızdayatıyorveGSK'nınherkesinilhamaldığı, teşvikedildiğiveen iyi olmayolundameydanokuduğubiryerolmasınıistiyoruz. GSK olarak, bilimi, teknolojiyiveyeteneğibirleştirerekhastalıklarınönünegeçmeyekararlıyız. Önümüzdeki on yıliçindedünyagenelinde 2,5 milyarinsanınsağlığınıetkilemeyihedefliyoruz. Bunubaşarmakiçin, büyümemotorumuzuhareketegeçireceken iyi yeteneklereihtiyacımız var – Ticariorganizasyon.
Sağlıksektöründeişbüyümesiniveyeniliğiyönlendirmetutkusunasahipbirmezunmusunuz? Ticari Erken YetenekProgramımız, dinamikbirortamdabecerilerinizigeliştirmeveuygulamalıdeneyimkazanmafırsatısunar. Satış, PazarlamaveTicariMükemmeliyet, ÇokKanallı, Dijital, İçgörülerveAnalitik, TüketiciPazarlamaİçgörüleri, SağlıkÇalışanlarıiçinDeneyimYolculuğu, YaşamDöngüsüYeniliği, Yeni Ürünlerin/UygulamalarınBaşarıylaPiyasayaSürülmesi, Fiyatlandırmave Pazar Erişimi, Rekabetçi Marka Stratejisigibigeniş roller de dahilolmaküzere 2 ila 3 rotasyondaçalışarakbecerilerinizi, deneyimleriniziveetkinizigüçlendirin.
Bu program, geleceğinbecerilerinigeliştirmekveticarialandabirsonrakiliderlernesliniyetiştirmekiçintasarlanmıştırvedinamikbirortamdabaşarılıolmakiçingerekenbecerivedeneyimleri size kazandıracaktır.
Ne yapacaksınız?
SatışRotasyonu:Müşteriihtiyaçlarınıanlamaveişbüyümesinisağlamakonusundauygulamalıdeneyimkazanın. (8 ay)
PazarlamaRotasyonu:Pazarlamastratejilerigeliştirinveuygulayın, kampanyalarıyönetinvepazartrendlerinianalizedin. (8 ay)
Geniş Roller Rotasyonu:TicariMükemmeliyet, ÇokKanallı, Dijital, İçgörülerveAnalitik, TüketiciPazarlamaİçgörüleri, SağlıkÇalışanlarıiçinDeneyimYolculuğu, YaşamDöngüsüYeniliği, Yeni Ürünlerin/UygulamalarınBaşarıylaPiyasayaSürülmesi, Fiyatlandırmave Pazar ErişimiveRekabetçi Marka Stratejisigibialanlardaçalışın. (8 ay)
Ne arıyoruz?
YenilikçiDüşünme: Verimliliğiveüretkenliğiartıran taze fikirler.
SağlıkSektörüne Tutku: Sağlıksektöründekariyeryapmakonusundagüçlübirilgi.
İletişimBecerileri: Güçlüiletişimve problem çözmeyetenekleri.