With over 70 years of experience, our focus is on helping the most vulnerable children overcome poverty and experience fullness of life. We help children of all backgrounds, even in the most dangerous places, inspired by our Christian faith.
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Employee Contract Type:
Local - Fixed Term Employee (Fixed Term)
Job Description:
The Child Wellbeing Facilitators (Early Age Group) under the supervision of the Child Wellbeing Coordinator will be responsible to carry out the day-to-day implementation of activities for caregivers and early age children (0-5 years old) under the ‘LIFT’ (Life in Fullness Together) project in Gaziantep, Kilis and Sanliurfa. The Facilitators will be primarily responsible for sensitising, mobilising and supporting the targeted communities in understanding the project objectives, the scope of services and activities within and outside of the LIFT centres and the criteria to enrol into the project.
The post holders will work directly with parents/caregivers of young children to strengthen their knowledge and skills in the 4 basic domains of child development (social-emotional, communication and language, physical, and cognitive). S/he will monitor the level of participation, create an enabling environment for caregivers to share their concerns, support to maintain the operation of the LIFT Centers, and report activity updates or challenges to the Child Wellbeing Coordinator on a regular basis.
Implementation of Project Activities
- Mobilizes the support from key stakeholders which catalyse community engagement to improve child well-being and their buy-in to ‘start early’ for child development.
- Deliver community outreach sessions on the importance of early childhood development and mobilize the participation of parents and caregivers of young children.
- Implement activity sessions, awareness events and information dissemination that reflects the social, emotional, cognitive, creative and emotional needs of young children with the support of the Child Wellbeing Coordinator and the Technical team.
- Involve in the creation of low cost materials for early age activities and apply them in close consultation with the Child Wellbeing Coordinator.
- Build relationships with parents/caregivers participated in the early childhood development activities and conduct home visits for follow-up and check in.
- Plan, organize and run activities with caregivers and their young children in line with the design and work plan of the LIFT project.
- Set up and maintain project materials and equipment as required in the LIFT centre.
- Promote, support and facilitate parent/caregiver-child relationships and respond to parent, family and community requests for information on child care and development.
- Identify and refer caregivers and their young children in need of specialized support and other services.
- Coordinate with other Child Wellbeing Facilitators (Adolescent Group and Caregiver Group) to ensure linkage between activities.
- Report to the Project Manager and/or Child Wellbeing Coordinator on any issues, challenges or gaps in implementation.
- The LIFT project is implemented in accordance with the design, requirements and standards of WV.
- The project applies a multi-disciplinary strategy that is in line with the standards of World Vision’s early childhood development programmes.
- The project addresses the gaps in services and support for caregivers and their young children.
- Project communities are aware and supportive of the LIFT project activities.
- There is effective coordination and collaboration with key stakeholders and community structures at the local level.
Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting
- Collect and organize the data on the activities and ensure that all the relevant reports/forms are duly filled.
- Develop and use weekly work plan with support from the Child Wellbeing Coordinator.
- Contribute to weekly and monthly reports submitted to the Project Manager/Area Manager that include information on project progress, achievements and challenges.
- Ensure the data collection and storage respect data protection and information sharing protocols, particularly in terms of confidentiality and do no harm principles.
- Collaborate closely with the MEAL team to monitor activities with defined monitoring tools and document learning and best practices.
- SupporttheChildWellbeingCoordinatorandMEALteamtoidentifyriskfactors for poor childdevelopmentaloutcomesfor earlyagegroup
Capacity Building &Coordination
- SharecapacitybuildingneedswiththeChildWellbeingCoordinatorand/ortheTechnicalTeam.
- Attendinternalandexternaltrainingonrelatedtopicstoenhanceknowledge on child wellbeing, early childhood developmentprogramming,specificcurriculumsandotherthematicareas.
- Participateininternalmeetingsandcoordinatewithotherprogramme/sectorteams.
- AdheretoWVChildandAdultSafeguardingpolicyandstandards.
- AdheretoWVaccountabilitystandards.
Required Professional Experience
- Atleast1yearofexperienceworkingineducation,earlychildhooddevelopment,childprotection,parentingandotherrelevantprogrammesindevelopmentorhumanitariansettings
- Understandingofthepolicyandsystem for early childhood developmentin SoutheastregionofTurkiye.
- Knowledgeof principlesand programmingapproachesforworkingeffectivelywithcaregiversandchildrenofyoungageareessential
- Experienceinfacilitatingactivitiesfororworkingdirectlywithparents/caregiversofearlyagechildreninTurkiyeisessential.
- KnowledgeofPlay-basedcurriculumsand/ortoyscreationisanadvantage
- Understandingoftheinterconnectionsamonghealth,nutrition,education,childprotectionandhowtheycontributetoearlychildhooddevelopmentoutcomes
- Stronginterpersonalskills,ethicalsensitivityandabilitytoeffectivelycommunicatewithcaregivers(andtheiryoungchildren)andotherkeystakeholders.
- Abilityandwillingnesstoconductactivitiesandregularoutreachinthe field/ruralareasparticularlyinengagingfamiliesandcommunitiestoaddressissuesofpoorchilddevelopmentaloutcomes.
- Abilitytonegotiatewithandmobilizethecommunityandproblemsolvingskills.
- Abilitytoworkasateamplayerandcollaborateeffectivelywithotherstakeholders
- CommitmenttoandunderstandingofWV’saims, valuesandprinciples
Required Education, training, license, registration, and certification
- Diplomaorrelevanteducationqualificationinchilddevelopment,communitydevelopment,earlychildhoodeducation,psychology,socialworkandotherrelevantsubjects.
- CertificationorotherrecognizedcoursesonEducation,ChildDevelopment,Parentingprogrammes,ChildProtection,Nutrition,EducationinEmergencies,MHPSS,orotherrelevantsubjects.
- Strongknowledgeandawarenessofinter-agencytools,guidelinesandotherresourcesforearlychildhooddevelopmentprogrammingisdesirable
Preferred Knowledge and Qualifications
- PriorexperienceinworkingwithNGOispreferred
- Priorexperienceinemergencyandhumanitarianresponse
- Alocalfromtheprojectlocationsispreferable
Travel and/or Work Environment Requirement
Domestic travel to project sites only
Language Requirements
Excellent communication skills (both oral and written) in Turkish. Knowledge of English is desirable. Arabic language is a plus
Local applicants only
Female candidates highly encouraged.
Applicant Types Accepted:
Local Applicants Only