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$1,000 - $1,500
Full Time Employee
1-9 Employees · Medical & Healthcare Equipment - Medical Hospital - Technical Maintenance & Repair

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Job Description

  1. Testing and Maintenance of Biological Safety Cabinets – Conduct periodic inspections and certifications in compliance with relevant standards.
  2. Medical Equipment Repair – Diagnose and troubleshoot faults in medical equipment and precision electronic devices.
  3. Electronic Circuit Maintenance and Repair – Handle malfunctions in electronic boards, including replacement, repair, and upgrades.
  4. Handling Exhaust Systems & HVAC – Maintain and repair ventilation and air conditioning systems associated with medical equipment.
  5. Compliance with NSF 49 Standards – Ensure strict adherence to international biosafety standards (training will be provided).
  6. Preventive Maintenance – Ensure the readiness of medical equipment through ongoing preventive maintenance.
  7. Technical Reporting – Document maintenance and repair work, and submit detailed technical reports to management.
  8. Customer Interaction – Clearly explain technical procedures and solutions to clients.
  9. Technical Reading Skills – Interpret and apply technical manuals and documentation accurately.

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