Job Description
Head Nurse
Monitor Nursing staff patient care processes and performance. Supports the Mission, Vision, and Values of the organization Adheres to policies & Procedures. Acts as a role model for staff through strict adherence to both international codes of professional nursing practice, knowledgeable of patient rights and ensures an atmosphere which allows for the privacy dignity and well-being of all patients and staffing a safe secure environment Empowers staff nurses and support their autonomy in applying evidence-based practices at bedside Le ade r s hip re s p o nsi bil it y for t he d ev el opm ent, impl em en t ati o n and evalu at ion of n u rsi ng’s an nua l p erfor m ance im p r ov eme nt pl E nsu re t he depa r tme nt al pl an is c ongru en t w it h t he organization p erfor ma nc e im p r ovem ent p la Adheres to departmental dress codes as observed by director. Promotes a safe and efficient working environment by adhering to AMS policies and procedures Ensure the availability of adequate number of licensed registered nurses to provide nursing care for all patient. Provide ongoing coaching, mentoring, and professional development opportunities to enhance the skills and knowledge of the nursing team. Ensures the competency of the nursing staff. Conduct performance evaluations and provide constructive feedback to nursing staff. Monitor adequate staffing cover for the units as per recommended nurse-patient ratios and the unit scope of services and do the initial approval balanced schedule that is compiled by the head nurse of specific unit. Maintains proper attendance and punctuality Monitors staff sickness, lateness and absenteeism. to ensure that the department is operated in an efficient and cost-effective manner Ensure the staff Plans annual leave to ensure equity and fairness for all staff without compromising operational requirements. Identifies strategies in conjunction with assigned ND to cover staffing deficiencies. Commits self to nursing excellence and possesses strong interpersonal team building and decision-making skills. Uses tactful, appropriate communications in sensitive and emotional situations. Can cope well with stress, have a strong sense of compassion and communicate well with others Completes all nursing & hospital requirements/training within the required timeframe. Responsible in requesting medical supplies, medications and equipment as needed as per policies. Monitor the usage of the supplies and consumption Take full responsibility on supplies inventory and provide justification report as required Utilizes material, equipment, and time in a safe, beneficial, and cost-effective manner. Educate staff nurses on accurate and up-to-date patient records, including medical histories, assessments, and care plans. Monitor the patients Documents for all nursing interventions, medications administered, and patient responses to treatment. Ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements regarding patient documentation. Maintains patient confidentiality at all time Maintains the highest levels of professional competence through ongoing personal professional development using multiple modalities such as attendance at conferences and symposium, workshops and in-services, reading role related journals and textbooks and networking with others. Pursue ongoing education and training to stay abreast of advancements in nursing practice and healthcare technology. Seek opportunities for professional growth and skill development through workshops, seminars, and certifications. Demonstrates and maintains competence in all mandatory unit specific and generic competencies. Maintain current licensure and certifications required for the position. Acts as a preceptor for new employees. R es p o nsi ble for quality improvement initiatives of departmental indicators to enhance patient care and safety. Adhere to hospital policies, procedures, and standards of practice. Assist in the implementation of evidence-based practices to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction. Discusses audit results with staff and develops action plans when less than acceptable results are achieved. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of nursing sensitive patient care indicators especially the required interventions for preventing patient falls, correct Identification process infections, and medication errors. P arti cip ate s in com m itt ee s , ta s k f orc e s and te am s rel ate d t o t he organization Pe r f orm an ce Imp rov eme nt Pl Demonstrates sensitivity to patient complaints and concerns. Initiates the nursing of administrative chain of command if unable to resolve patient issues P repa r e s r ep o rt s t hat supp ort m ana gerial decis ion-ma kin g f o r imp ro v ing m ana geme nt , c l in i cal a nd edu cati o n o ut comes Monitor and educate the nursing staff strictly to infection control protocols to prevent the spread of healthcare-associated infections. Implement safety measures to protect patients, staff, and visitors from accidents and injuries. Identify and address potential safety hazards in the healthcare environment. Identifies and reports defective or broken equipment, safety hazards and environmental hazards. Other duties as assigned within the scope of responsibility and requirements of the job Ex cel le nt o rganizat iona l a nd l eadershi p skills . Strong knowledge of nursing principles, practices, and standards of care. Proficient understanding of healthcare regulations, compliance requirements, and accreditation standards. Ability to coach, mentor, and develop nursing staff, fostering a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Effective problem-solving and decision-making skills, with the ability to handle challenging situations and resolve conflicts. Strong clinical assessment and critical thinking skills. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. Proficiency in using electronic health records (EHR) and other healthcare technology. Ability to work independently and adapt to changing patient needs and environments. BLS certification ACLS certification as needed Service mindset Job Location Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Job Role Medical, Healthcare, and Nursing Years of Experience Min: 5