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Technician- Rope Access Level 2

Today 2025/07/13
General Engineering Consultancy
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Job Description

Location: Doha, Other/Not Applicable, QA
We are a world leader in Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) , delivering high quality services to help clients meet the growing challenges of quality, safety, environmental protection and social responsibility.

Job Description:

Perform advanced visual inspections and non-destructive testing (NDT) of structures, equipment, and components using rope access techniques Operate and maintain a wide range of specialized NDT equipment including ultrasonic, magnetic particle, liquid penetrant, and eddy current testing devices Interpret and analyze NDT data to identify and characterize defects or anomalies Develop inspection plans and procedures for complex rope access projects Train and supervise Rope Access Level 1 NDT technicians Provide technical guidance and support to project engineers and managers Prepare comprehensive reports detailing inspection findings, conclusions, and recommendations Ensure all rope access and NDT work is performed in compliance with safety protocols and quality standards
S h all b e at l ea st qua lified t o IRAT A L e v el - 2 qua lified t o PC N L 3.2 Gr ou p 3.2 or ASN T leve l I I UT , PT & MT Proficient in technical report writing and data analysis


Th e N D T p er s o nn el shall b e mul t i - d isc ip line d with mi n im u m 5 ye ars’ expe ri e n c e in N D T a ppli ca ti ons with a t l east 3 year s a f ter Certific a tion in O il & G a s or si mila r ope ratin g co m p anies. I ndi v idu al s sh al l ha ve a t l east tw o y ea rs R op e A cce ss expe rie n c e i n of fsh ore oi l i nstalla tions o r sim i lar ap p lication s i n sa m e cli m a te of Gulf c oun tr i e s.
We create trust between businesses and we are committed to cultivating an open and inclusive environment wherever we operate and so do our employees. Being part of the BV family is more than just working, it’s being convinced that you will leave your mark…. in shaping a world of trust.
Provider Description Enabled SAP as service provider
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