IOM provides a range of services and support to various resettlement programmes globally including, but not limited to, case processing, migration health assessments, organized transportation, pre-departure and cultural orientation, and administration of a travel loan and collections program. The relevant Departments in the IOM Headquarters, specifically the Resettlement and Movement Division (RMM), has the organizational responsibility to provide direction, oversight, and guidance to IOM’s global support to all resettlement programs.
Resettlement Support Centers (RSCs) provide critical support and processing assistance for the Follow-To-Join Asylees (FTJ-As). As part of an MOU between IOM and the Coordinated Afghan Relocation Efforts (CARE), IOM manages several RSCs which prepare applications for adjudication by and provide support to visiting US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) officers, facilitate security and medical screenings, provide information about arriving individuals to resettlement agencies in the US and offer Cultural Orientation (CO) training to individuals departing for the US, and provide support to the FTJ-A managed by the Field Operations Directorate.