First National Bank Sal Salary in Lebanon

* Posted anonymously by employees

Average Monthly Salary matching your search criteria

Monthly Avg 0 12500000 25000000 37500000 50000000
Average Monthly Salary First National Bank Sal in Lebanon LBP 10,612,328

12 Salary Details of Jobs with related Job Titles

First National Bank SalSalaries

Job Title Monthly Avg 0 12500000 25000000 37500000 50000000
administrative assistant LBP 753,231
business support unit LBP 1,205,170
senior marketing officer LBP 1,807,754
customer service coordinator LBP 3,012,924
customer service cs employee LBP 4,519,386
teller LBP 5,639,539
credit analyst LBP 6,025,848
administrative assistant LBP 12,352,988
relationship manager LBP 15,817,851
business development manager LBP 16,571,082
head of department LBP 26,500,002
project manager LBP 33,142,163