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Hear from other professionals

  • bender al-ghamdi
    • bender al-ghamdi
    • , يوهماء لتاجير السيارات, Saudi Arabia
  • samy elbana
    • samy elbana
    • شئون موظفين, موبيلى, Kuwait
    • الحمد على فضله ونعمته ... لقد حصلت على عمل في موبيلى من خلال بيت كوم فى فترة اقل من شهر ونصف وانصح الاصدقاء بمشاركة الموقع والمتابعه فيه واسال الله ان يفك كرب من لم يجد عمل .. واحب ان اقول ما اجمل ا
  • Rehana Hameen
    • Rehana Hameen
    • , Envoy Facilities Management - Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka
    • It was a novel experience to find a site that creates connections between both job seekers and employers. I found while surfing the internet and didn't know the number of ways it could be used to find the best job amongst the many advertised on a daily basis. Through this site and without applying I started receiving many job offers until

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