Process Specialist-Ceded Re Technical Operations
Gurgaon, Haryana, India
AXAXLislookingfortalentedindividualstosupportourbusinessacrossallproductlinesand geographies.Thisisanexcitingopportunitytobepartofadynamic,globalbusiness.
DISCOVER your opportunity
What will your essential responsibilities include?
·Process the treaty contract set up in multiple system i.e., Genius, the Frame and Procede.
·Processthefacultativereinsurancecontractsetupsaspertheprocessguidelinesin bothProCedeandtheframe.Getthemreviewed.
·Assistindatacollectionandadhocprocessingexercisesarisingfromtimetotime. reporting.
·Request for test bordereaux. Review them and obtain signoffs before requesting live bordereaux.
·Good understanding of the recoveries of facultative and treaty proportional contract recoveriesprocessing.
·Respond on CRA DQ report for facultative recoveries accuracy of bordereaux to be sent to reinsurers.
·Identifyownandindividualteammembers’trainingrequirementstoenable effective job completion.
You will report to Assistant Manager.
SHARE your talent
We’re looking for someone who has these abilities and skills:
Required Skills and Abilities:
·Bachelor’sdegreeorequivalentexperienceandpreferablyprofessionalReinsurance certifications.
·Relevant years of experience within a reinsurance\claim processing\underwriting support role.
·Proficiency in excel and good to have source systems knowledge i.e., Genius, the Frame and ProCede.
Desired Skills and Abilities:
·Individuals in these roles will demonstrate the following at an intermediate level, in addition to the AXA Values and Commitments.