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Job Description

Are you looking to make a real difference in Microsoft’s mission to empower every person and organization to achieve more, with the power of cloud computing? Do you want to work at the forefront of Cloud Computing to design, deliver & operate cloud-scale systems that are the foundation of the World’s Computer which is Azure? Do you want to be part of a highly motivated and passionate team that works together to do what it takes for our customers to be successful while having fun and learning along the way?

We pride ourselves in working without boundaries to deliver the cloud platform capable of delivering to our customers specialized needs.

If this interests you, then come join the Azure Specialized team in India. We are responsible for building and offering specialized workloads - bare-metal and software capabilities on Azure. This involves large-scale specialized solutions like VMWare, SAP Hana, super computers and more. We build high scale distributed systems for massive planetary scale, and we build systems that are fully automated end to end. Such an endeavor requires engineers with deep knowledge in computer science fundamentals, ranging from hardware, operating systems, networking, security to distributed design with focus on quality and sustainability. We need engineers with experience in open-source technologies.

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Other Business Support Services
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