CS Academy, Coimbatore has three campuses. Two are in Kovaipudur (Main) in adjacent facilities and the third primary campus is in the heart of the city at Red Fields.
Our boarding house in Kovaipudur is open for boys and girls from class IV for both CBSE and Cambridge International students. The picturesque main campus located in the foothills of the Western Ghats is ideally suited for exploring and learning
Our team brings a wealth of expertise in education. Our CBSE and Cambridge programmes and teaching methodology are proven and time tested. We have built on vast experience and developed a programme that encompasses modern tools while adhering to traditional principles.
Our mission is to equip our students with the knowledge and skills required to succeed in the real worldby providingpractical and holistic education in a challenging, yet nurturing environment.We prepare students for success by focusing on four pillars: Academic excellence, Skill building, Core Values and Healthy competition.
In 2024, CS Academy Coimbatore joined the prestigious International Schools Partnership (ISP) group. With over 80+ schools in 22 countries, ISP is a leading global network of educational institutions. As a member of this esteemed network, CS Academy Coimbatore enjoys unparalleled international learning connections, unwavering quality assurance, and exceptional governance.
Position:Housekeeping Staff
Key Responsibilities:
Beginwithourchildrenand students. Our childrenand studentsareatthe heartofwhatwe do. Simply, their successisour success. Wellbeing andsafetyarebothessential forlearnersandlearning. Therefore, weareconsistentinidentifyingpotentialsafeguardingandHealth&Safetyissuesandactingandfollowing up on all concerns appropriately.
Treat everyone with care and respect. We look after one another, embrace similarities and differences and promote the well-being of self and others.
Operate effectively. Wefocus relentlesslyonthethings thataremostimportantandwillmakethemost difference. We apply school policies and procedures and embody the shared ideas of our community.
Are financially responsible. We make financial choices carefully based on the needs of the children, students and our schools.
Learncontinuously.Gettingbetteriswhatdrivesus.Wepositivelyengagewithpersonalandprofessional development and school improvement.
ISPiscommittedtosafeguardingandpromotingthewelfareofchildrenandyoungpeopleandexpectsall staff and volunteers to share this commitment. All post holders are subject to appropriate vetting procedures and satisfactory Criminal Background Checks or equivalent covering the previous 10 years’ employment history.
ISP is committed to strengthening our inclusive culture by identifying, hiring, developing, and retaining high-performing teammates regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender expression, age,disabilitystatus,neurodivergence,socio-economicbackgroundorotherdemographiccharacteristics. Candidates who share our vision and principles and are interested in contributing to the success of ISP through this role are strongly encouraged to apply.