Automated Cloud Infrastructure Setup Using Terraform Automate the Provisioning of AWS
Resources Ensuring Consistency and Scalability Across Multiple Regions.
Designed a CI/CD Pipeline Using Jenkins, Integrated Security Tools like Sonarqube, Snyk and
Trivy to Static, Dynamic and Dependency Scans, Ensuring Early Detection of Vulnerabilities
Secure Docker Image Builds.
Developed a Jenkins Pipeline Integrated with Sonarqube, Trivy and OWASP ZAP to Perform SAST,
SCA, and DAST Scans, Achieving a Reduction in Security Vulnerabilities.
Conꢀigured the Pipeline to Push Docker Images to Nexus Artifactory and Deploy to Kubernetes
Clusters on AWS EKS.
Managed Secrets and Sensitive Information Using Hashicorp Vault, Enhancing the Security Posture
of CI/CD Pipelines. Integrated With Hashicorp Vault for Secure Secrets Management.
Developed a Comprehensive (Iac) Solution Using Terraform and Ansible, Automating the