Hire smarter with plans built for your business
Find the talent your business needs on the Middle East’s #1 hiring platform.
Reach over 50M+ job seekers, post jobs, and connect with the right
candidates—instantly and effortlessly.
Tailored hiring solutions that grow with your business.
At Bayt.com, we are committed to designing flexible plans that are specific to your specific recruitment needs. This means that for customized solutions, we are on hand to help you craft the perfect plan. Simply fill out the form below, and we’ll connect you with a recruitment expert.
Talk to Sales
- Package Details
- Search Months** 1
- Postings Count 1
- Prices
- Search Price $990.0
- Posting Price $150.0
- Total Before Discount $1,140.0
- Discount
- Multi Search $0.0
- Multi Posting $0.0
- Combo -$114.0
- Savings -$114.0
- You Pay $1,026.00

Unlimited CV search and views

Over 53 Million CVs available across the region

Each post can be active for upto 60 days

Diverse suite of AI hiring tools: AI posting and 33+ smart filters

Dedicated relationship manager and customer support
Included Contacts 1,000 Per Month**
100% Money Back Guarantee (T&Cs apply)
VAT Not Included
Basic Features
Applicant CV Views Applicant CV Views
Postings Count Postings Count
Search Months Search Months
Contact Reveals Contact Reveals
Advanced AI-powered features
AI-powered screening AI-powered screening
AI-powered job descriptions AI-powered job descriptions
More than 60,000 clients trust Bayt for hiring new candidates
What our 60,000 clients say about us
Frequently Asked Questions
We have many hiring solutions to support companies of all sizes, needs, and budgets. When you use any of our solutions to hire employees, we will not charge you any additional fees or commissions beyond what you see on our pricing page. Your payment allows you to access our platform and all the features included in your plan.
For even greater value, consider exploring our combo plans, which bundle multiple solutions to streamline your hiring process and maximize your ROI.
We offer different CV Search packages based on your company size, budget, and hiring needs.
- 1-Month
- 3-Month
- Combo plans
You can choose a plan based on your hiring needs.
- Contact Reveals: The number of CVs you can unlock with full candidate details.
- Duration: Choose a 1-Month or 3-Month access period based on your hiring needs.
We offer different Job Posting packages based on your company size, budget, and hiring needs.
Job Postings: Post your vacancies to attract top candidates.
You can choose from Classic, Premium, and Combo plans based on these factors:
- The number of jobs you need to post.
- Preferred duration (1-Month or 3-Month).
We understand that cost is an important factor in the recruitment process. That’s why all of our hiring technologies are designed to maximize your ROI by giving you plenty of choice, speed, and ease of use.
We’d love to talk and understand your exact budget constraints and offer you the most suitable solution. Feel free to get in touch with us for customized plans.
To cancel your subscription:
- Log in to your account.
- Go to Account Settings > Payments and Subscriptions > Manage Plans.
- Choose the plan and click Unsubscribe to cancel your subscription.
You can find the Terms and Conditions for your Bayt.com plan by:
- Logging into your account.
Navigating to Account Settings > Privacy and Terms > Terms and Conditions for Employers.
Clicking the expand icon to read the terms and conditions.
Our Combo plans offer the ultimate hiring solution by combining Job Postings and CV Search into one cost-effective package.
This streamlined approach helps you attract top talent while proactively reaching out to qualified candidates.
Plus, you save up to 25% compared to purchasing these services separately.
Simplify your hiring process and maximize your ROI with a Combo plan today!