Boolean Search Examples

Following are some examples for boolean search operators

Name Operator Function Example Notes
Proximity ~ Defines the maximum distance (words) between the search keywords. "Regional Manager"~2 2 is the maximum allowed words between Regional and Manager. Regional Sales Manager will be matched and Regional Retail Sales Manager will be matched too but Regional Retail Sales Assistant Manager won't be matched since the distance is larger than 2. 2 could be any positive integer number. Double quotes are mandatory when using the proximity operator.
Paragraph PARAGRAPH Matches the CV when all its arguments are within the same paragraph. "Bill Gates" PARAGRAPH Microsoft Bill Gates and Microsoft should be mentioned in the same paragraph, you can add other keywords, for example: "Bill Gates" PARAGRAPH Microsoft PARAGRAPH founder - The PARAGRAPH operator should be uppercase. - The order of the arguments within the paragraph does not matter.
Sentence SENTENCE Matches the CV when all its arguments are within the same sentence. "Bill Gates" SENTENCE Microsoft Bill Gates and Microsoft should be mentioned in the same sentence, you can add other keywords, for example: "Bill Gates" SENTENCE Microsoft SENTENCE founder - The sentence operator should be uppercase. - The order of the arguments within the sentence does not matter.
Quorum matching / Only match those CVs that pass a given threshold of given words. "Area Sales Assistant Manager" /3 Match the CVs that have at least 3 of the 4 words specified. The CVs with the below keywords will be matched: Area Sales Assistant Manager, Area Assistant Manager, Sales Assistant Manager, Area Sales Assistant, Area Sales Manager. Double quotes are mandatory when using the quorum matching operator.
NEAR NEAR= Generalized version of a proximity operator. Using "NEAR=7" in a search (like "one NEAR=7 two NEAR=7 three") allows up to 6 words between 'one' and 'two', and another 6 words between 'two' and 'three', treating each word pair separately. In contrast, the proximity operator ("one two three"~7) is more restrictive, allowing a total of up to 6 words between all three words combined, keeping them closely knit within a set range. So, while both methods aim to find words close to each other, "NEAR=7" offers more flexibility in word placement than the proximity operator. The syntax is NEAR=N, it is case- sensitive, and no spaces are allowed between the NEAR keyword, the equal sign, and the distance value.
strict order THEN Will match the document only if its argument keywords occur in the document exactly in the query order. Sales THEN Manager , Will match Sales Manager but will not match Manager Sales. Useful for more complex boolean expressions: (Sr. OR Senior) THEN (Area OR Territory OR Region) THEN "Sales Manager".
exact form = Will match the document only if the keyword occurred in exactly the specified form. =Sales =Manager equivalent to ="Sales Manager" When searching for Sales Manager, Sale Manager, Sales Management and other derivations of the keywords will be matched. the = operator will only search for the keywords without derivations. Can be used within operators such as phrase, proximity, and quorum
field-start ^ Starts with keyword. ^sales manager Will match the keywords that start with sales. If you use this operator in the job title all the resulted titles should start with sales. Cannot be used with exact form operator.
field-end $ Ends with keyword. ^sales manager$ If you use this operator in the job title all the resulted titles should start with sales and ends with manager. Cannot be used with exact form operator.
maybe MAYBE It works much like OR operator but doesn't return CVs which match only right subtree expression. Graphic design MAYBE engineer Will match all CVs contain Graphic design. The CVs that contain Graphic design engineer will appear first.