The Company for Cooperative Insurance (Tawuniya) is a Saudi Joint Stock Company established in Riyadh,Saudi Arabia by Royal Decree number M/5 of 17.4.1405H (5.4.1985 G) and was registered on January 18,1986G (7.5.1406H) under Commercial Registration number 1010061695.
The purpose of the Company is ...Read more
The Company for Cooperative Insurance (Tawuniya) is a Saudi Joint Stock Company established in Riyadh,Saudi Arabia by Royal Decree number M/5 of 17.4.1405H (5.4.1985 G) and was registered on January 18,1986G (7.5.1406H) under Commercial Registration number 1010061695.
The purpose of the Company is to transact in cooperative insurance operations and all related activities such as reinsurance or agency activities. Its principal lines of business include motor, marine, fire, medical, engineering, energy, aviation, takaful, and casualty insurance. ...Show less
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Regional Financial Operations Manager
Key Brokers Relationship Manager
Senior Software Quality Assurance Engineer
Talent Acquisition & Attraction Partner
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