Samsung C&T Corporation

  • Other Business Support Services · United Arab Emirates
  • 48 Followers · 500 Employees or more

Salaries at Samsung C&T Corporation

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Employee Insights

Currently employed at this company: 168  Members

Hiring Insights

Many of Samsung C&T Corporation's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at Samsung C&T Corporation have the below job roles:

Administration Accounting and Auditing Electrical Engineering Safety Human Resources and Recruitment Sales
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Employees Registered on

mohamed abed

Electrical Manager Assistant

Danilo de Asis

Quantity Surveyor

Frances Camille Buela

Project Manager Secretary/ Accounting Assistant

lerma jane balbuena

Executive Secretary to the MD/EVP and Accountant

pradeep Kumar Bedal

Tunnel CQC Inspector

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