Philippine School Doha

  • Primary, Prep, & Secondary School · Qatar - Doha
  • 236 Followers · 100-499 Employees
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Philippine School Doha was established in October 1992 to serve the educational needs of the children of the Filipino community in the State of Qatar. Its birth was the result of the determination of pioneering members of the Filipino community in Doha under the auspices of the Philippine Embassy.

As required under the laws of the Philippines, the school has been incorporated as a non-stock, non-profit educational corporation and is duly registered as the Philippine School in Doha, Inc. with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As such, the school is governed by the Corporation Code and special laws and regulations of the Philippines.

A special set of regulations for the operation of the PSD as a private school is the Manual of Policies and Regulations, otherwise known as MOPAR. This was drawn up by the Inter-Agency Committee (IAC) of regulatory agencies of the Philippine government, namely, the Department of Labor and Employment.

The MOPAR is amplified by the PSD Manual of Norms and Policies approved by the Board of Trustees in order to manage and operate PSD pursuant to the amended By-laws of the school corporation.

On the other hand, the school is also governed by Amiri Ordinance No. 7 of the year 1980 regarding organization of private schools in the State of Qatar and by applicable regulations of concerned local authorities. In accordance with the general provisions of the said Ordinance, PSD was given permission by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education to operate as a private school of the Filipino community in Qatar, under the patronage of the Philippine Embassy in Doha.

The Department of Education Culture and Sports, granted the PSD the permit to operate on March 6, 1997, per Government Permit No. 002, s. 1997. Subsequently, on February 1, 2000, Philippine School Doha was granted recognition by the DECS per Government Recognition No. 001, s. 2000.


The Philippine School Doha, a non-stock, non-profit school has commissioned itself to provide learners optimum quality education that is attuned with the relevance of time and technology advancement under the precept of pro-God, pro-environment, pro-people, and pro-nation.


Guided by the dictum "Knowledge Begets Wisdom", the Philippine School Doha envisions itself to be the center of academic excellence as the First Philippine Science School in the Middle East abreast with the dynamics and development of Society, Culture, Science and Technology, and the Arts. It also aspires to produce competent graduates with inherent values of honesty and propriety tempered with prudence and Divine wisdom.

Employees Registered on

Bobby Henerale

English Teacher


Liaison Officer

Marc Liane

Teacher Assistant

Emmalynne Salazar

Teaching Assistant


Music Teacher

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