Pfizer - Other locations

  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing · Egypt - Cairo
  • 1K+ Followers · 500 Employees or more
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Pfizer Egypt was established in 1961. It manufactures and markets a wide range of Pharmaceutical and Animal Health Products that are well received by the Egyptian Market. Regional responsibility was added to Pfizer Egypt in 1999 accountable for managing a number of 14 countries in the Middle East Region.

Pfizer Middle East Region (MER) is a subsidiary of Pfizer Inc. in New York, a leading international research-based pharmaceutical company in the world. Pfizer has an unmatched portfolio that includes five of the world's twenty top revenues of more than $1 billion this year. We have the industry’s largest R&D budget, at 7.9 billion for the year 2004.

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hicham maro


Dr Kassem

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