Kuwait Finance House

  • Islamic Banking · Kuwait - Al Kuwait
  • 8K+ Followers · 500 Employees or more
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Kuwait Finance House (KFH) is considered a pioneer in the banking phenomenon known as Islamic Finance or Shari’a Compliant Banking. KFH is the first Islamic bank established in 1977 in the State of Kuwait and today it’s one of the foremost Islamic financial institutions in the world.

KFH has steadily managed to expand its business and achievements to lead the Islamic banking industry and become a pioneer financial establishment, not only in the Islamic banking industry, but also in the banking sector as a whole, besides being one of the biggest lenders in both the local and regional markets.

KFH is concentered to be the largest Islamic and the second largest bank in Kuwait with total assets of KD 16.5 Billion (USD54.8 Billion) as of 2016 end. KFH’s largest shareholders include: Kuwait Investment Authority (Direct), Kuwait Awqaf Public Foundation (Direct), Public Authority for Minors’ Affairs (Direct), The Public Institution for Social Security (Indirect). KFH (KSE: KFIN) is a publically listed company on the Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE). KFH provides a wide range of banking shari’a compliant banking and financing products and services, covering real estate, trade finance, investment portfolios, commercial, retail and corporate banking. KFH operates its business in State of Kuwait, Kingdom of Bahrain, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Malaysia, and Germany.

Moreover, during the year of 2016 Kuwait Finance House has been evaluated by three major global rating agencies in long term as A+ from “Fitch”, A1 from “Moody’s” and A- from “Standard & Poor’s”.

KFH has a long standing commitment to support the community it operates in across various platforms. As a leader in its community, KFH leads several social responsibility initiatives that directly affect the members of the community including sustainability; women empowerment, health and environment. KFH also stands behind young entrepreneurs, helping them flourish and grow across the Group.


To deliver superior innovation and customer service excellence while protecting and enhancing the interests of all our stakeholders.


To lead the international development of Islamic financial services, and become the most trusted and sustainably most profitable shariah-compliant bank in the world.

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Currently employed at this company: 557  Members

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Banking Accounting and Auditing Customer Service and Call Center Management Information Technology Finance and Investment
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Employees Registered on Bayt.com

Zaid Jasnaik


Eslam Mansour

hse engineer

Ali Mojadam

Clinical Informatics Specialist

Alaa Mohaseb

Quality Team Leader

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