Khalid Scientific Company

  • Medical Clinic · Qatar - Doha
  • 114 Followers · 10-49 Employees


Khalid Scientific Co. is a unit of Khalid Corporation which has 14 companies under its umbrella. Khalid Corporation has diverse business interests in fields like cement, IT, aluminium etc. Khalid Scientific Co. started in 1971 as a distributor of healthcare products. Now Khalid Scientific Co. is a major player in the field and has expanded its business to pharmaceutical and consumer products also.

We command a sizable market share in medical imaging and medical consumables segments too. We have grown to be amongst the top distributors of healthcare products through dedicated service and innovative marketing. Apart from able leadership, trained engineers and experienced staff are our strengths.

Ever increasing market requirements have necessitated acquisition of modern warehousing facilities supported by excellent logistic department. The past decade has seen KSC growing by leaps and bounds. Acquiring major agencies against tough competition has added to the stature of KSC as a major distributor in the market.

Starting as a distributor of healthcare products, Khalid Scientific Co. has now extended its presence to many other segments like education and consumer products. This has enabled KSC to cater to the ever increasing market demands

Employees Registered on

mohammed fekry emam

site and service engineer

mohamed ahmed fouad

boimedical project manager

Nishad Thoppil Azeez

medical representative

Rais Ali Shaikh

Senior Logistic Supervisor and Manageing warehouse

Roland Ramirez

Logistic Personnel / Store Keeper

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