Ipsos - Jordan

  • Marketing · Jordan - Amman
  • 235 Followers · 50-99 Employees
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Ipsos Group, one of the world’s largest research companies, operates in the Middle East under the name Ipsos MENA.

Ipsos uses a wide range of advanced and analytical methodologies; from qualitative interviewing and analysis, to the most innovative techniques for collecting and processing quantitative data; by telephone via in-house CATI facilities, face-to-face, mail or, wherever possible, via the Internet.


Ipsos MENA provides high quality services to more than 1200 clients branched out across the Middle East, North Africa and the world, with a regional professional team consisting of more than 1000 full-time, specialized research analysts who work on providing clients with innovative research services with high value-added analytics, market and consumer insight as well as actionable solutions.

Worldwide, over 16,000 full-time employees and 35,000 part time interviewers work to serve close to 6,000 clients globally, through completing over 70,000 projects per year and more than 25,000 focus groups and in-depth interviews worldwide using projection and rational techniques.

Ipsos also views individuals as both citizens and consumers. It builds psychological and sociological models and pieces together a clear picture of their expectations, motivations and intentions. This approach - which Ipsos calls Nobody’s Unpredictable, provides clients with information that makes sense, giving them a better understanding of their markets, the audiences and the contemporary world. Thus, every year, Ipsos researchers conduct more than 70 million interviews across the globe.

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