Qatari Independent school
School Mission
Our Middle School Program is a complete and coherent program that provides a framework of academic challenge and life skills appropriate to this stage of adolescence. Our mission will naturally follow the last primary year program and serves as excellent preparation for highly motivated standards requested by high schools having the most up to date level of educational programs.
Our Middle School Curriculum offers an educational approach that embraces yet transcends traditional school subjects. While insisting upon thorough study of the various disciplines, our program accentuates their interrelatedness and so advances a holistic view of knowledge.
In stressing communication, it places a fundamental importance of achieving firm command of one’s own language and on the fluency of English as a tool for instruction and on the acquisition of French as foreign language for effective conversation and more tolerance toward others.
The students’ intellectual, and social development is the focus of our Middle School Program. Four ideas known as the areas of interaction give the curriculum model its distinctive subjects. These are not academic matters but common themes embedded within and visible across the specific disciplines. The four areas are:
1- Approaches to learning which concentrate on developing effective study skills
2- Community service
3- Health and social education
4- Homo Faber (man the maker), which is concerned with the product of the creative and inventive genius of people.
These themes are addressed throughout the three year cycle principally through subjects responding to the student needs of development; intellectually, socially, emotionally, creatively and physically.
The curriculum will be tied to the vision of high school standards. Teachers’ school administrations, parents and students will hold high expectations for all students.