GlobServ is an Information Technology company specializing in Solutions' Integration. GlobServ specializes in Telecom Solution's integration for areas such as CRM, billing, provisioning, middle-wares, and payments solutions.
GlobServ has many references for Telecom's in Europe and ...Read more
GlobServ is an Information Technology company specializing in Solutions' Integration. GlobServ specializes in Telecom Solution's integration for areas such as CRM, billing, provisioning, middle-wares, and payments solutions.
GlobServ has many references for Telecom's in Europe and Middle East. The work did by GlobServ was highly recognized not in-terms of its quality , but for the cost saving it.
GlobServ business values revolve around the following:
1- Exceeding customers' expectations
2- Alignment with business strategy
3- End to End commitment
GlobServ is a partner for world leading vendors such as Oracle, Talend, Kabira, Quest, RedHat, Microsoft CRM, etc. GlobServ has a HQ in Paris. For branches, it has a branch in Cairo and establishing a branch in Morocoo. ...Show less
System Analyst
head of sales