Gi’s achievements are the result of Bold, Disciplined & Committed people gathered together, with a mission to give the most outstanding, one of a kind services to all clients. Being a Dubai based fast growing company, Gi Properties is specialized in spotting high revenue generating properties ...Read more
Gi’s achievements are the result of Bold, Disciplined & Committed people gathered together, with a mission to give the most outstanding, one of a kind services to all clients. Being a Dubai based fast growing company, Gi Properties is specialized in spotting high revenue generating properties for investors and securing the perfect home for families. Gi has grown due to Customer re-satisfaction and word of mouth.
We know that a satisfied customer is the best marketing strategy and our goal is to grow our brand based on loyalty.
We know that a customer is always right, but we also know the right thing for each client.
Our customer service is not just a department, it’s the entire company, therefore all our team will be more than happy to help you, always!
Green Island Properties strives to become UAE’s undisputed and favorite real estate brand. We believe in providing quality services to our clients to ensure
that you receive the best professional advice.
We’ll achieve this by treating our people with uncommon appreciation, our clients with uncompromising integrity, and the market with unanticipated
innovation. In so doing we’ll become the standard by which every other real estate agent will be measured.
Green Island Properties commitment is to give the most outstanding, one-of-a-kind service to all of our clients to redefine what investors, landlords,
and tenants in the UAE expect of real estate agents. We’ll do this by providing our clients with:
• The smart and respectable agents in the real estate industry.
• A team that’s empowered, diverse and inclusive.
• A tech-driven approach
• Uncompromising integrity
• Proven results over the long-term ...Show less
Property Consultant
HR Director (Contract)
Property Consultant
Real Estate Broker
Real Estate Agent