General Takaful Company is a Qatari private shareholding company incorporated in 2008. The company is governed by the provisions of the Qatar Commercial Companies’ Law No. 11 of 2015 and Qatar Central Bank’s regulations.
The company is engaged in the business of underwriting general takaful business in accordance with Islamic Shari’a principles. The company carries out its takaful activities by establishing takaful funds representing an arrangement which collectively pools resources of a group of people (policyholders) with common interest, in order to protect each other from certain defined mishaps. The company manages these takaful funds on behalf of the policyholders through Wakala contracts and shares the recognized investment gains with the policyholders as a Mudarib, as approved by Shari’a Supervisory Board of the company.
Family Takaful Manager / life & Medical
Marketing & Business Development
Marketing and Business Development