El Rahma Company for Recruitment Services Abroad

  • Human Resources Outsourcing · Egypt - Cairo
  • 12K+ Followers · 10-49 Employees


El Rahma Company is the largest companies in recruitment Egyptians abroad, has extensive experience in this field, characterized by the highest degree of efficiency and speed of delivery.

El Rahma Company for recruitment services abroad is one of the leading companies in this field and has a long tradition in the selection, evaluation, employment abroad and that in many fields, and all kinds of specialized labor.

Contact Us: 01012123440 / 01064777940

شركه الرحمه من اكبر شركات توظيف المصريين بالخارج ، وتتمتع بخبره واسعه فى هذا المجال، وتتميز باعلى درجه من الكفاءة وسرعه الانجاز.

هى احدى الشركات الرائدة فى هذا المجال ولها باع طويل فى اختيار وتقييم وتوظيف العمالة بالخارج وذلك فى مجالات عديدة وجميع أنواع العمالة المتخصصة.

للاتصال بنا : 01012123440 / 01064777940

البريد الالكترونى : admin @ elrahma - hr .net