ECH is a premier manufacture of resine listelloes and water jet designs.
Company Experience and know how goes back to 1968 when the founder, Dr.Jean Greige, started the business in Venezuela and Chile. ECH has Successfully and Heavily concentrated in modern automation research, development and ca ...Read more
ECH is a premier manufacture of resine listelloes and water jet designs.
Company Experience and know how goes back to 1968 when the founder, Dr.Jean Greige, started the business in Venezuela and Chile. ECH has Successfully and Heavily concentrated in modern automation research, development and capacity. ECH's mission is to provide local and regional customers with top quality products of resine listelloes and water jet design as a first rated service. The company's dedicates efficient management top quality products, services and continuous culture that makes it a stand out company.
Working with highly skilled designers and craftspeople, we are proposing a collection that takes the breath away.
We constantly experiment with new and interesting materials, applying them with the finest construction and contemporary design to provide you with the finest choices any space of distinction deserves.
Push the boundary of your imagination, select your preferred colors and we'll make it happen!"
A passion not a job, our products are leaders in luxury items, constantly exceeding our customers' expectations.
Luxury at this level demands unparalleled, lifestyle-driven showroom presentations, value added services, and a serious commitment to beauty. Drop us a visit at Ain Alak and our creative, energetic, and qualified team will be more than happy to assist you in your choice. ...Show less