As a family-owned business, we take a long-term view in everything we do, because we believe that sustainable success requires uncompromising commitment.
That’s the reason why some of the world’s most admired and innovative brands from the USA, UK, Japan, Sweden, France, Germany and Switzerland – from sectors as diverse with each other as automotive, retail, real estate and finance – trust Al-Futtaim with their own reputation and commercial success.
And through our inherent customer-centric approach and relentless pursuit of perfection, we add significant value – connecting consumers in 29 markets with these brands in contemporary, powerful, meaningful and emotional ways that create longstanding relationships based on loyalty and mutual trust.
Our decades-long experience allows us to embrace and foster new, forward-thinking business practices and seamlessly blend those into our corporate DNA and people-first philosophy whilst upholding the value of integrity within a spirit of collaboration.
Al-Futtaim provides quality products and services that enrich people’s lives and aspirations each and every day.
Company Salary Range
Many of Al-Futtaim's employees come from the below universities and educational backgrounds:
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Most entry-level professionals at Al-Futtaim have the below job roles:
SAP FI/CO/Re-FXConsultant
Senior Consultant
Sale Executive