Agility - Other locations

  • Distribution, Supply Chain & Logistics · United Arab Emirates - Dubai
  • 16K+ Followers · 500 Employees or more
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Agility builds durable, efficient supply chains that power businesses and drive trade, creating access to new opportunities.

Our History

Agility’s story parallels the rise of emerging markets in the global economy. The company got its start as a local warehousing provider in Kuwait and grew to become the largest logistics company in the Middle East.It acquired more than 40 logistics brands around the world, investing billions to build a global network with a strong footprint in emerging markets. Today, Agility is one of the world’s largest integrated logistics providers with more than 20,000 employees and operations in 100 countries.

Our Structure

Agility has two main lines of business. Through our Global Integrated Logistics (GIL) business, we work with companies in diverse industries and markets to move, manage, and distribute the goods that underpin global commerce. Through our Infrastructure portfolio of companies, we provide logistics-related services in emerging markets that facilitate trade and create access to new opportunities.

Employees Registered on

Farah Kamal

موظف مبيعات

Amr Elbana


HanyAbdallhamed Nasser

عامل انتاج

Usama Hamdy Mohamed Saad

سائق سيارة عمومي

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