ACWA Power

  • Energy & Renewables · Saudi Arabia - Jeddah
  • 1K+ Followers · 500 Employees or more


Procurement Supervisor - Dubai Office
  • ACWA Power
  • Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Sep 06, 2024
Deputy Operation Manager - Umluj
  • ACWA Power
  • Al Wajh, Saudi Arabia
Sep 05, 2024
Field Operator - Ibri, Oman
  • ACWA Power
  • Ibri, Oman
Sep 05, 2024
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Salaries at ACWA Power

Company Salary Range

senior manager


mechanical engineer


finance manager


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Employee Insights

Currently employed at this company: 107  Members

Hiring Insights

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Top Entry Level Jobs

Most entry-level professionals at ACWA Power have the below job roles:

Quality Control Human Resources and Recruitment Engineering Support Services Administration Finance and Investment
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Employees Registered on

Abdulqader Abdullah Abdulqader Fallata

HSSE Corporate, Regional Sr. Manager

sana bihas

directeur juridique

Sultan Dakheel Al - Subhi

executive VP Operations

Azzam Aljumaydi

Executive Assistant To CEO

Abdulrahman Awn

IT Support Engineer

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