Career Talk Episode 29: What Are Your Weaknesses?


Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Yes, that includes you, the job seeker. While it is true that you want to present yourself as a highly competent and confident candidate in order to convince the employer to hire you, you also want to be realistic and not come across as too arrogant or dishonest. This why it is important to know how to discuss your weaknesses and shortcomings during the job interview in a highly effective way.

Just like every other interview questions, “what are your weaknesses?” can be a tricky one and there are specific reasons the employer asks this question. So, before you start listing away your weaknesses and selling yourself too short, or worse pretending that you do not have any weaknesses at all, take a few moments to learn about this question and how to strategize your answers.

In this episode of Career Talk, Hatem Hannoun will reveal to you the reasoning behind this question and how you can come up with several answers that will not harm your chances of getting hired.

Watch the episode and let us know what you think!

Mohannad Aljawamis