Career Talk Episode 25: Having a Bad Day at Work?

work, bad day, negative, positive, what to do when you're having a bad day, career planning, being happy at work, productivity, motivation, success

We’ve all had those days. The type of day that seems to start and end the same way: badly. You wake up in a bad mood—maybe you’re tired or stressed—and you carry that negativity around with you for the rest of the day. Whether or not you believe in the law of attraction, which states that if you are positive, you will attract positive events and outcomes to yourself, there is definitely something to be said about the power of an optimistic outlook. Think of the relationship between confidence and success and you can see some correlation between believing good things will happen and seeing that become a reality.

It is tempting to throw in the towel or succumb to a sour mood. After all, with a grey cloud raining over you for a good portion of the day, looking for the silver lining can be challenging. However, happiness is a choice and you can choose to turn your bleak mood into a bright one. This is especially advised if you have a job and your mood can affect both your performance and the people around you.

In this episode of Career Talk,’s very own Hatem Hannoun takes you through simple, tried and true steps that can turn any bad day into a better one. By making the most of what you have around you and taking the initiative to be proactive about your happiness, you can prove that mind really is stronger than matter and say goodbye to negativity altogether. Interested in finding out how to do this? Watch this week’s full episode below!

Now that you’ve watched the video, we have some questions of our own to ask. What is your go-to fix whenever you’re having a bad day? Do you approach coworkers that are in a bad mood and make the effort to cheer them up? Do you have any advice for people who experience bad days often? Sound off in the comments below and be sure to hit that ‘share’ button to spread the positivity to your friends and family.

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/02/2018
  • Last updated: 23/02/2018
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/02/2018
  • Last updated: 23/02/2018