How to Overcome a Job Rejection

Job hunting can be an exhausting experience, especially when there are many people competing for the same job. Nowadays hunting for a job doesn’t only mean having the right qualifications, a professional CV, and strong interview skills. It also means outperforming other candidates, who might be more qualified than you are on paper.

After all, a job rejection can happen to everyone and that can be very tough to deal with, especially when you’ve been applying and interviewing for a while and you really need and want that job. But here are a few things to remember that can help you stay positive and motivated after a rejection:

1. Don’t take it personally

Most hiring decisions may not be clear to you as job seekers. You might have performed excellently during the interview. But remember; there might have been other factors that influenced the hiring decision. For example: there might have been a candidate whom the company found more qualified before they interviewed you. Or maybe there was someone just as qualified as you are who asked for half the salary you demanded. Or maybe there was another one who has a few more years of relevant experience than you do. No matter how good you are, you will sometimes get rejected. So don’t take it personally and blame yourself for the rejection, because if you’ve prepared yourself and tried your best, you did your part and that’s all you can do.

2. Ask for feedback

When responding to a job rejection letter, it’s okay, and in fact recommended, to ask the employer for a more detailed feedback about your interview in order to help you improve for the next time. If you weren’t able to get feedback from the busy employer after an interview, try to seek other useful feedback from HR professionals so you can get constructive criticism. Also, always try to practice interviews with friends; it can help you feel more confident before heading to a job interview.

3. Never stop learning

If you’re currently unemployed and searching for a job, you should always try to keep your experience and skills updated. To do so, you can take a training course or try to volunteer at a relevant organization for example. This way, not only will you keep yourself professionally up to date, but you will also boost your confidence and keep yourself motivated because you will feel that you’re always developing as a person and are not stuck in the same place. Another advantage would be that this course you might be taking and this volunteer experience you might be building could be something to talk about in your next interview!

4. Keep a positive attitude

Always approach new job opportunity with a fresh perspective and a positive attitude. Don’t keep dwelling on how you were rejected in past interviews. Before heading to a new job interview, try to tailor your CV to best suit the position you’re applying for, and do a full research on the company. If you’ve made mistakes in your past interviews, try to learn from them but put the negativity behind you. Always keep a fresh approach and don’t forget to stay true to your experience and personality.

There are plenty of opportunities for you to pursue. Start your search again and find over 10,000 jobs available on on any given day. You just have to keep pushing yourself and you will find the job that suits you best!

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏17/04/2017
  • Last updated: 27/04/2017
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏17/04/2017
  • Last updated: 27/04/2017