Saniya Labadi Gives an Inside Look at Her Role in Educational Consulting

Saniya Labadi is the founder and managing director of Labadi Educational Consulting (LEC); connecting people with educational institutions around the globe. With a career in education spanning over 25 years, Saniya served most recently as the International Recruiting Manager and a founding Admissions officer for six years at King’s Academy in Madaba, Jordan.

Acting as the Managing Director of LEC, Saniya avidly recruits students looking to study the Arabic language as well as students who are seeking a more comprehensive experience such as boarding high schools. Saniya is very passionate about working with students from all over the world and she continuously strives to serve students and their families by working as an independent consultant with many educational institutions. In a motherly fashion, Saniya builds close relationships with her students and is their first source of help in their academic endeavors.

Saniya’s Agenda

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM Although I enjoy long weeknights, I am almost always up before nine. My husband, being the early riser, wakes up before me to put his kitchen talents to work, prepares breakfast for both of us, followed by the morning coffee and a chat about our day. After that I turn to my organizer, refining my plans for the day, organizing them according to urgency and location.

10:30 AM – 11:30 AM By this time I am usually at my laptop, checking my emails, responding to those requiring a follow-up starting with the more urgent matters. Then, I have the daily chat with my Chinese students, which usually entails answering detailed questions about living and studying in Jordan.

11:30 AM – 12:30 PMThis would be the time for my daily meeting with my assistant in China, discussing work related matters, scheduling my travels and making sure they are as productive as possible. I always make sure to follow up with my assistant in regards to our tasks, and that she has everything she needs for work to go smoothly in China.

01:30 PM – 04:30 PM During these hours, twice a week, is gym time for me. Being realistic about my fitness goals and where they meet the rest of the goals on my dashboard has eventually caused the gym to land at this time twice-a-week. On other days, this would be the preferred time to schedule my meetings, follow up with my clients, check on my students’ needs and studies, and if any further assistance is required from my side.

04:30 PM – 07:00 PM My husband would come from work, we would have our late lunch and coffee, read the newspaper, and have a chat about our days. I do the evening round of emails and check on the outcomes of my assistant’s day in China.

07:00 PM – 10:30 PMDuring this time I sometimes meet with my friends and sisters, and sometimes I just hang out with my husband. Since I work from home, I have the privilege of maintaining contact with the slow-paced side of life and enjoying the small things everyday.

Quick Q&A

What is the most rewarding part of your job?The most rewarding part is when I find out that my students have benefited as much as I promised them and their parents. It is also when I observe the personalities of the students evolving and being shaped by their interaction with a different culture. Just as rewarding for me is when I see that the students have fallen in love with Jordan and want to come back after they finish their studies to visit.

What is the most challenging part of your job?That part would be promoting Jordan and its institutions in a country as vast as China, which has many great institutions and an enormous number of students. But whenever I look at what my company has promised the students I feel more determined to fulfill those promises to the students.

What advice do you give young professionals who want to succeed in your field?Love what you do, enjoy the hassle, and don’t give promises you can’t fulfill.

How do you balance work and life?Whenever I am at work I tend to forget everything else and concentrate on the task on hand. At home I would be lying if I say I do the same, but it is a challenge and I try my very best.

Mohannad Aljawamis