6 Things You Need to Do to Land Your Very First Job

You graduated recently or a little while back, you have your CV created and ready, and now you’re looking for your first job! This can be an equally exciting and stressful phase of your professional life. Well, I have been there. In fact, everyone you see around you today from accomplished business managers, to entrepreneurs of tech giants, to doctors and engineers have also been there! We all remember the struggle of finding the first job after being fresh out of school. There is a tendency to fret and stress about hypothetical scenarios and the idea of prolonged unemployment.

Bayt.com, the Middle East’s #1 Job Site, is here to share with you what you need to do to land your first job. Stop worrying and begin using the following strategies:

1. Utilize leading job sites

No matter how many companies and organizations you know from your personal network, there are so many more out there that you have not heard of before or knew they actually existed. Widening your search parameters will expose you to many more career opportunities. Make sure you regularly visit the leading job sites, like Bayt.com, which is home to over 40,000 employers across the Middle East and North Africa. Find and apply for jobs that are targeted for fresh graduates and apply to as many of them as possible.

2. Don’t fear internships

More and more companies are asking for work experience from recent graduates, even if it was for a few months. You will notice that your degree on its own will not cut it. If you come across an internship opportunity, go for it. Not only will it give you on-the-ground experience that your university degree does not provide, you might as well end up turning your internship to a full-time job.

3. Network

Many people falsely assume that networking simply means a higher number of connections or followers. What networking really means is self-marketing and self-promotion. Basically, building professional relationships that allow you to stand out between your peers and identify more career opportunities. Professional networking platforms like Bayt.com specialties will make you shine in the eyes of business owners and recruiters. Network your way to success as you never know who will lead you to your first job!

4. Get a head start

Starting your job hunt early doesn’t mean compromising your academic performance. After all, your achievements in school and university are one of the main qualifications employers consider when hiring fresh graduates. Starting early is very much about building your network, enriching your CV, and practicing job applications while you’re still in your academic institution. By the time you do start searching and applying, you should have plenty of connections and resources to work with.

5. Tailor your CV

Your CV isn’t written in stone; once you start applying for jobs, be sure to customize each application and CV you send based on the specific company and job you’re applying for. You need to spend a decent amount of time on each application. Avoid naive mistakes, such as sending an identical cover letter for all of your applications. If you are not sure how to write the perfect CV and cover letter, Bayt.com CV writing services can help you write a CV that will catch the attention of the employer.

6. Enrich your CV

If you are a fresh graduate with no substantial work experience, then you need to give yourself an edge over other candidates by taking extra courses and tests. The Bayt.com Learning portal can help you by offering an abundance of courses and assessment tools for every background and career direction. You can enroll in such courses at anytime. You can also take tests and showcase your mark on your CV so that employers see how well informed you are!

Mohannad Aljawamis