The Easiest Way to Stay Organized and Focused at Work

organized at work

Are you feeling forgetful and having trouble focusing? Do you find it really hard to stay motivated and focused during long working hours? All of us, at some point in our professional lives, have experienced concentration problems where we just couldn’t keep our mind on work. In fact, according to the ‘Distractions at Work in the MENA’ poll, December 2013, six in 10 professionals consider that having their attention snatched away from work is a ‘big problem’. However, everyone with a job wants to be more productive and be able to motivate themselves and others to be the best they can be. And in order to have a fulfilling career and gain the concentration and focus needed to accomplish the tasks you set out to do, you need to make some changes in your daily routine, even if they are only small ones. Here are 5 ways to help you stay focused at work and complete tasks more quickly and efficiently:

1. Prioritize your tasks

The first hour at work is where most people are productive, so make sure to handle the most important tasks first thing in the morning and save the easier ones for the end of the day. This way you won’t feel stressed about important projects at the end of the workday. It can be helpful to make a daily “to-do” list and keep it nearby. You will certainly feel more accomplished when you cross out the “done” tasks and move on to the next task. In fact, according to the ‘Distractions at Work in the MENA’ poll, 94% of professionals in the MENA use to-do lists to organize their day.

2. Limit distractions

Distraction from social media was mentioned as the top distraction at work by 25% of MENA professionals in the ‘Distractions at Work in the MENA’ poll. In fact, spending too much time on social media during working hours will not only negatively affect your ability to focus, but also reduce your productivity at work. So make sure to determine the appropriate amount of time you should spend online each day.

3. Reward yourself

Every time you complete a task, no matter how small, celebrate it. Rewards could be something as simple as a bar of chocolate, a cup of coffee or getting up from your chair, walking around and talking with your colleagues. You can also get outside the office for 5-10 min to relax and breathe some fresh air. This will help you get back to a calm, focused and relaxed state of mind.

4. Keep your desk organized and clean

Having a clean desk could benefit you in ways that you may not even realize; it will not only clear your mind, but also reduce stress and grant you more focus and concentration which will benefit both you and your company. So make sure to set aside a few minutes at the end of each day to clear off your desk.

5. Get enough sleep and exercise regularly

It’s hard to keep focus on your goals when you’re sleep deprived. In fact, sleep deprivation can reduce your ability to cope with stress and makes it hard to concentrate and feel positive. So make sure to get enough sleep every day. Another way to increase your ability to concentrate is to exercise regularly. In fact, the ‘MENA Professionals’ Health and Eating Habits’ poll, March 2012, reveals that 45% of professionals in the MENA exercise every day.

  • Posted by Zeina - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Zeina - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016