How to Use Tests to Hire the Best Candidates

Have you ever hired a candidate only to realize that their on-the-job performance is not as good as you thought it would be? You were mighty sure of your decision though, hiring the person with the best CV and interview performance. So what went wrong? Unfortunately, many job seekers tend to portray an image of themselves which isn’t a true reflection of their skills. Finding a way to confirm these skills would highly benefit any employer during the hiring process. This is exactly what Tests do. It’s our newest addition to an array of technologies and solutions that empower employers and help them hire the best candidates. Here’s how you can use Tests to confirm your candidate choices:

1. Confirming skills through standardized testing:

Through standardized testing, you can confirm the skills that candidates claim to have. These tests cover a wide range of topics for professionals in major fields and industries, and there are over 500 to choose from. The best part is that they aren’t unidimensional and you can test candidates on soft skills, business skills, as well as, specialized technical skills. You also have the option of creating and customizing your own tests, or using tests created by experts.

2. Letting our awesome technology give you test scores:

Imagine correcting these tests by yourself, all day long. Doesn’t sound too appealing, right? Well thankfully these tests can be scored online through fast and automated testing and scoring. There are various options for where to conduct the tests as well. They can be done at your own office premise, online or at any one of our offices.

3. Analyzing the reports to make easy choices:

We provide you with comprehensive results reports which will make your choice way easier. These reports will give you the test marks, rank and the number of questions correctly answered. They will also have detailed scored analysis of each section and sub-section, so that you can make a decision based on individual results and personality traits.

4. Selecting and hiring candidates:

Finally, the last and most important stage of this entire process is selecting and hiring the right candidate for the job. Our popular tests include IQ tests, personality tests, sales aptitude tests, software engineering tests and much more. Rest assured, our tests are highly credible as 400,000 users have taken them so far with very positive results! So now that you know how this whole process works, why not use it to your advantage? Contact us now for more information!
Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016