Make a Difference This Year

It’s mid-January and for many of us new year's resolutions have already been dusted, edited and revised a few times not to mention implored to stop staring at us so accusingly. If you are already contemplating covering your list with a heavy encyclopedia or deleting it altogether perhaps this is the time to pull out that pencil again and make changes you can really be happy with. It’s never too late to plan for a stellar year. Here are just a few ways you can plan to make a difference this year.

1. Improve your relationships with other people

Bad relationships are one of the most significant causes of stress in life and can sabotage careers, lifestyles and livelihoods. In fact, 16% of employers in the Middle East are looking for team players when hiring, according to the “Workplace Dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa” poll, June 2013, and 18% of polled professionals believe the most important factor for employee retention is good manager-employee relationships, as per the “Employee Retention in the MENA Workplace” poll, February 2013. Make a decision to constructively deal with problem relationships this year and address root causes beginning with yourself. Before reading the literature on different personality types and how to come to grips with the different prejudices, preferences and emotional baggage of others, make sure you are comfortable with your own attitude, demeanor, outlook, behaviors and perceptions or misperceptions. Take this year as a new starting point and try to forgive others past perceived trespasses and resolve to be a better listener, peer, neighbor, role model, coworker and friend yourself.

2. Be more productive

Have you plodded through the last year just barely living up to your potential? Don’t you feel you owe it to yourself, your company and the world to really explore and realize your full personal potential? How much richer the world would be if we each really gave our work our all! How about this year putting the daydreaming and negative work attitudes aside and burying that subtle arsenal of tricks you have amassed to postpone, delay, divert and beat the system? Rather than seeing the workplace as the “them” in your life and getting caught up in that vicious web of “us versus them” mentality that pulls everyone down, try to own your career and commit to giving it nothing but your very best!

3. Learn something new

If you are not committed to being a lifelong learner yet, perhaps this is the year to start. Far from being a burden, you should embark on this as a journey of exploration and enlightenment. Try to acquire learning in any areas that interest you no matter how removed from your daily workload some of your true passions may be; and choose to learn in the manner that appeals to you whether by reading independently, or practicing a new craft or taking formal online or classroom courses, or finding a mentor or all of these methods as well as others. In fact 20% of polled professionals in the MENA are looking above all when making a job move for companies that will help them develop their skills and provide learning opportunities and training programs, as revealed in the “Workplace Dynamics in the Middle East and North Africa” poll, and you don’t want to be left behind. See how your new wisdom, tools, knowledge and skills cascade to all aspects of your life from better relationships to improved work performance, more confidence and a better overall outlook on life. You may even choose to build a brand for yourself this year as a true expert or specialist in your field and watch the endorsements and accolades pour in as your influence widens.

4. Breathe easier

Yoga may not be everyone’s cup of tea but this year how about exploring the power of your breath to improve your life. 27% of professionals in the Middle East have stated that their mental health and happiness are greatly affected by poor work-life balance, according to the “Work-life Balance in the MENA” poll, so here are just a few ways you can de-stress. Firstly, next time you are about to lose your temper or blurt obscenities at someone, hold your breath and count to ten and imagine your very own breath taking you to a calmer, saner place. Secondly, whenever daily stresses accumulate and seem uncontrollable or you fear you are having a panic attack, simply focus on calmer, deeper breathing exercises and believe in your absolute power to alleviate your stress by controlled breathing alone. Thirdly, engage in a routine exercise regimen this year that gets your heart pumping and blood flowing healthier and see how adding even a little bit of exercise in your regular routine improves your health, looks, performance and outlook on life. Finally, next time you reach out for that bag of crisps, chocolates or candy covered peanuts, try to breathe your way to a calmer, happier place and realize you may be panic eating and breathe that panic away.

5. Give back

Little on earth compares to the joy of altruism, of charitable endeavors and really giving back. Giving back doesn’t need to be confined to spending time and money on your favorite charities. It is a mentality that can be built into your daily routine. Someone struggling at work? Help them! A situation getting out of hand? Be a peacemaker. A problem that begs solving and can easily be solved? Solve it! A broken coffee machine or lamp or filing cabinet or snooker table in the office? Fix it! Give back by remembering the office cleaners and those less fortunate at holiday times and by remembering your smiles, good mornings, manners and etiquette. Give back by treating others as you would like to be treated and by being a paragon of all the virtues and character traits you hold dear. Let this year be a year you and everyone who knows you remember with a heartfelt smile!

6. Choose a positive attitude

Remember only you are responsible for the energy you put into a space or situation so choose a positive and constructive attitude always. Try to mitigate negative thoughts and situations rather than escalate them. Choose your thoughts and reactions carefully. Next time the mirror scowls at you smile back instantly and remind yourself of every blessing big and small past, present and future. An attitude of gratitude is the best gift you can give yourself this year and is guaranteed to perpetuate further good things.

Baytcom CMO
  • Posted by Baytcom CMO - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Baytcom CMO - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016