Six Reasons You Should be Hiring Fresh Graduates

Question from employer: I work in the HR department of a large conglomerate. We get hundreds of applications for our entry-level vacancies. A large proportion of these applicants are fresh graduates with minimal work experience. However, we invariably hire candidates who have more experience as we feel that they would bring more value to the organization. We are thinking of changing this policy but are not fully convinced. Could you suggest some reasons why we should hire fresh graduates? – Rana. F Answer: Hi Rana. Sometimes it is difficult to look beyond work experience when hiring a candidate, I agree. Experienced candidates require less training and know how to handle long work hours. Fresh graduates, on the other hand, don’t have much experience. There are many benefits, however, to hiring a graduate right out of college. Below are some of these benefits:

1. Fresh graduates require lower salaries

One of the main advantages of hiring fresh graduates is that hiring them is less expensive than hiring more experienced professionals. The market rate for hiring a fresh graduate is not very high. According to the ’Fresh Graduates in the MENA‘ survey, July 2014, 31% of respondents do not expect a salary higher than USD 500 a month in their first job. This doesn’t mean that you can hire a fresh graduate and pay them extremely low salaries, i.e. salaries that are way lower than the market rate, but it provides an opportunity for a company to hire a talented individual at an entry-level rate and invest in them so they become star employees for your company.

2. Fresh graduates give innovative ideas and new perspectives

Fresh graduates might have done a few internships, but they haven’t yet been instilled into the corporate world. Their mind isn’t tainted with previous company practices. As such, they can bring a new perspective to your organization. Most universities emphasize on the importance of innovation, which these graduates bring to the table. 61.8% professionals in the MENA say that innovation has led to improved financial performance according to the ‘Innovation in the MENA' poll, January 2013. Fresh grads might be able to point out flaws which are unseen by the current staff.

3. Fresh graduates are masters of continuous learning

Fresh graduates are often eager to learn and extremely determined to prove themselves. When given a task they tackle it wholeheartedly. They’re not afraid of asking questions, as they’re trained to do so in college. Being similar to a “blank canvas”, they can adapt to any corporate culture easily. They’re also open to new ideas and working styles.

4. Fresh graduates have ample technical and business skills

Numerous technical skills are taught to graduates in college such as computer skills. This is very important as 48% respondents in the ’Fresh Graduates in the MENA’ feel that computer skills are required to excel in the workplace. Other skills they acquire are administration skills, communication and problem solving skills, and so forth. Their analyzing and critical thinking capabilities are at a peak at this time. The subject matter is fresh in their mind and they might be able to apply these terms and concepts for the betterment of your organization.

5. Fresh graduates have greater commitment towards work

Fresh graduates usually do not have familial commitments. They usually fend for themselves. Due to this, they display more commitment towards work. Older individuals with family ties will have a harder time trying to balance their work and family time. Fresh graduates might be willing to work longer hours and take up additional projects.

6. Fresh graduates are up-to-date with the latest technology

The generation gap becomes evident when it comes to technology. According to the ‘Millennials in the MENA’ survey, February 2014, both millennials and the older generation agree that technology makes them effective at work. Three quarters of those below 35 believe that older colleagues do not take full advantage of technology available. On the other hand, youngsters are able to type on a keyboard or on their mobile at an unmatchable rate. They know how to keep up with the latest technological trends and they can bring this, as an asset, to any job.
Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016