Become a client magnet in 10 easy steps

client magnet

Customers are the lifeblood of a business, so building a strong rapport with them is imperative to the success of almost any company. Through good times and bad, a solid relationship with your customer base will help ensure that your business continues to flourish. That’s why many of today’s most successful companies are being built around outstanding customer service. Developing strong relationships can take time and dedication, so employing the right customer relations strategies is critical. If you’re ready to become a client magnet, here are 10 steps to get you there:

1. Be present

The work you deliver to your clients is your most important tool to build long-lasting relationships with them. So it’s important to always be present and proactive. What you should do: During your meetings, make sure you’re taking note of what your clients want. Do you need to adjust the deliverables to meet their most urgent needs? Is there anything that needs to be changed or edited to align with their objectives? Are there any project components that need further clarification or customization? Always keep your clients’ needs in mind. Make sure all lines of communication are transparent and open. Give honest, creative feedback on their ideas. Any ideas you bring to the table will only strengthen the results that much more.

2. Listen more than you talk

Most people are dead-set on showing a potential client how much they know. Here’s a wake-up call for you: Your potential client doesn’t care how much you know, they want to know how you are going to fix their problems. What you should do: Ask yourself this question from the client’s perspective, “What’s in it for me?” and then focus on the results clients will get from working with you. Ask open-ended questions that will help you get to know your client and show your level of interest. Build rapport and your client will get a feel for how you function.

3. Get inside their heads

Take the time to ask questions about what your client is struggling with; what is their #1 problem? If they could wave a magic wand and fix one thing in their life, what would it be? What you should do: Try to pinpoint your clients’ concerns. When you are able to accurately identify a problem and show them how you have eliminated this problem for others, you’ll have a line of people waiting to work with you.

4. Develop a ‘pull’ strategy

As opposed to a push strategy, a ‘pull’ strategy is when clients come to you based on your visibility and level of engagement. What you should do: Instead of constantly knocking on doors, cold-calling and chasing down clients, let clients come to you from reading a blog post or article, for example, or hearing you speak at an event, or even by connecting you on a social media platform or a referral from yet another satisfied client.

5. Showcase your value

If you aren’t featuring the results that others have experienced from working with you on your website and/or in other marketing materials, you’re missing an incredible opportunity to attract more clients. What you should do: Use your website and marketing collateral, but also testimonials. Effective testimonials always highlight benefits and results. Here are examples of employer testimonials on

6. Be a great resource

As an expert in your field, you have insight and information that will help your clients build their businesses and boost their success. What you should do: Find news articles and statistics that may be helpful for their next talk or presentation. Send them trends in their industry and how you can implement these. Happy clients are those who are taken care of. Providing useful tools, tips or ideas for your clients shows that you’re willing to think outside of the box. If they know you’re always thinking about them, they’ll move forward with you on new projects.

7. Your clients are more than just an email address

Clients are more than just a contract and cash flow. There are real people with businesses and personalities behind those emails. Getting to know your clients on a deeper, more personal level is imperative to the health and longevity of your partnerships. What you should do: Ask your clients about their biggest visions for the business. Spend an extra five minutes on your next call to learn about their family and kids. Find out why they started their company and what it means to them. Everyone is so busy all the time, so most clients will be over-the-moon that you took the extra time to really get to know who they are and why they do what they do, rather than always talking about work. Always keep your conversations warm and friendly. You’ll stand out in their mind the next time they’re looking for a service provider, coach, writer, or even wanting to make an incredible referral.

8. Become an ambassador for their brand

Did your clients launch a new website? Is their product selling internationally? Did they land a huge project? Were they nominated for an award? What you should do: Let your own community know just how excited you are about your clients’ achievements. You can even gift your clients with flowers or a small present to send an extra boost of confidence and kudos their way. When you spread the buzz about the amazing things your clients are doing, your own credibility goes viral. Your business is viewed as one that truly values its clients and projects, and one that’s a pleasure to work with. In today’s world, a little thoughtfulness goes a very long way.

9. Every client is a VIP client

No matter how big or how small the scope of work is, remember to treat every client with red carpet service. It doesn’t matter if the client is spending one hundred dollars on your services or ten thousand dollars on your services. All of your clients are the lifeline of your business. What you should do: Make sure your clients’ needs are met and that they’re getting everything that they’ve asked for – and more! Ask them if there’s anything your team can do to make their experience more worthwhile, less stressful, or more valuable. Remember to meet deadlines.

10. Accept blame when necessary

Never cede responsibility for any mistakes you make. What you should do: In case of mistakes, acknowledge them and then tell your client how you’ll fix them. Ignoring problems only makes them worse. Refusing to accept liability for your mistakes makes you look unprofessional, and you’ll be much less likely to be employed again. A high level of professionalism is expected when working with clients. Take this online quiz to know how professional you are. When you invest in a relationship — any relationship — the value of that relationship increases and it becomes more likely to bear fruit. So, once you’ve found great clients who are fond of you and your work, go the extra mile to ensure their loyalty and esteem. If they know, like, and trust you, they’ll keep working with you again and again. By working with clients that love you, your business will continue to grow well into the future.

Zeina Issa
  • Posted by Zeina Issa - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Zeina Issa - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016