How helps you find great talent

With a third of MENA employers saying that sourcing relevant candidates is the biggest challenge they have with their organization’s senior executive talent (as per the ‘Hiring Management in the MENA’ poll, August 2012), the search for talent can sometimes feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack. But it doesn’t have to feel this way. At, we believe that finding talent should be done in the fastest and easiest way possible. With a few simple clicks, you should be able to optimize your talent sourcing and recruiting process to attract the best candidates to your company. In fact, with candidate priorities shifting towards a more technology-enabled world, online job sites have revolutionized – and eased – the recruitment process.

The applicant ranking system

A new and powerful way to target the right employees for your job vacancies is through the applicant ranking system, the latest addition to’s extensive array of employer services. The applicant ranking system allows employers to perform searches on applicants’ CVs and display results in real time by matching elements of the applicant’s CV – such as age, education, residence, and experience – and those on the job posting. The most relevant CVs appear on top of the search results, making it easier for employers to identify the best match for their job openings. Recent shifts in the job market have created a situation where a higher number of people are looking to enter the job market than there are people retiring or new vacancies being created.  For companies focused on finding the right talent for their growing teams, it is becoming increasingly important to source from this pool of potential employees. And the fastest, easiest way to find great talent is to make use of the new applicant ranking tool.

More tools from to help you find top talent

Other ways can help you find top talent is through Specialties, an open, socially-enabled platform where you can find and interact with the top specialists for each specialty in one click. There’s also Branded Career Channels (BCCs) and Company Pages. Both are great ways to increase brand awareness and tell your stories to a pool of top-notch candidates. Still don’t know what can do for you as an employer? Read this complete guide to using for employers.
Reem Boudraa
  • Posted by Reem Boudraa - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Reem Boudraa - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016