You got the job, now what?

newly hired Arab world

The global job market is more challenging than it was 5 or 10 years ago, and the Middle East is no exception. Nowadays, in order for you to land the job of your dreams you need experience, competence, and the ability to sell yourself as the most desirable candidate for the job. But once you’re in it, you have to win it – this is the only way to survive in today’s workplace. Starting a new job can be a stressful experience. Learn how to make a success of your early days with this checklist compiled by the career experts at

Your roles and responsibilities

From the very first day you step into the office, people will try to get you to say “yes” to all sorts of things that may or may not fall within your job description. It is important to understand your job requirements and read your job description carefully. Practise saying: “Let me think about the best way to approach that and get back to you.” Schedule a meeting with your boss to discuss and review your priorities. Fortunately, 60.5% of professionals in the MENA region said that management’s expectations of them are most of the time realistic. (The ‘Work Satisfaction in the MENA’ poll, November 2012)

Your boss

You must understand the likes and dislikes of your boss. We all treat our friends and family members while keeping their likes and dislikes in mind. The same could apply to our managers. Make sure you understand the job role assigned to you and how that will help your boss offload some of their work burden. Any boss would like to work with a person who is punctual and honest, and who is willing to accept new challenges. Therefore, try to always take new job assignments head-on to demonstrate your enthusiasm, improve your learning, and become apt at your job. In fact, 28.8% of employers who took part in the ‘Hiring Practices in the MENA’ poll, February 2012, said that hunger, drive and ambition are the most important factors they look for in new employees.

Office politics

As with any group of people, there are politics to consider. Before you step on a deadly land mine, you want to come in as an observer to the organization you are now part of. All new people are automatically given a state of grace for their ignorance during that period, so make sure to ask many questions and be watchful. It will be your knowledge of the culture, your personality, and how you do your job that will set the bar for how well you integrate. Integration into the culture may be a strong indicator of your future success and career growth.

Team or solo?

Every job role is different. You have to determine what role you are going to play. Some jobs need team work where you have to support other members of the team toward a joint outcome. In that case, understand the team dynamics and the positive influence that you can exert. The good news is that 86.8% of professionals in the MENA region feel that their coworkers are professional, according to the ‘Work Satisfaction in the MENA’ poll. In isolated job roles, on the other hand, you would probably be answerable to your boss only.

Company’s do’s and don’ts

Each company has its own values, rules and norms to follow. You should get yourself acquainted with all the do’s and don’ts of your new company. These include punctuality, work ethics, the company’s dress code, among others.


Just like any relationship, communication is key to making your relationship with your new job successful. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, or to ask your supervisor for guidance when you need it. A good manager should appreciate your desire to mesh with the company, and to learn how best to contribute.

Have you ever faced difficulties as a new joiner? Share with us difficult situations you faced at work and how you dealt with them in the comment section below!

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Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016