When Online Social Media Doesn’t Work For You

social media for job seekers

With 80 % of professionals in the Middle East agreeing that online communication has replaced traditional means of communication in their lives, you ought to know your news is everybody’s business today: May it be Twitter, Facebook or the likes, one has to remain overly cautious about what to share and what not to share in order to avoid a Social Media gaffe that can get them in trouble and possibly cost one… their job. What exactly should you clear away from?

  1. Badmouthing your boss (even if he/ she is not on your friend / follower list): regardless of how thorny the relationship between you two may seem right now, the entire Twittersphere/ your Facebook entourage do not have to be notified. You don’t know who your mutual friends are and who would actually find pleasure breaking the news!
  2. Badmouthing your organization: So you are not 100% content with the reporting scheme? Salary structure? Performance appraisal Models? Take this up with the person in charge, revolt in the HR department should you really need to – Just DON’T take this issue online publicly- as it will do neither your nor your company’s reputation any good!

  3. Divulging confidential corporate information: (and yes, any client info does count as confidential). Your annual corporate losses, turnover rate, budgets for the coming year all fall under the umbrella of “corporate privacy". Refrain from sharing – your Top Management knows best and will share what they find suitable.

  4. Last but not least, posting inappropriate pictures/ videos of you and/or colleagues at work: You may or may not be aware of many unpleasant incidents that hit the internet and maliciouly ruin a personal and/or corporate reputation. Alert and trustful employees, kindly watch and learn!

Roba Al-Assi
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016
  • Posted by Roba Al-Assi - ‏06/06/2016
  • Last updated: 06/06/2016