Answering: “How Will You Add Value to the Company?”

Attending a job interview is just like setting the stage for a captivating performance. Amid the questions and exchanges, one spotlight moment often emerges: "How will you add value to the company?". It's not merely an inquiry; it's your cue to step into the limelight and convey your professional narrative with flair. This guide is your script for crafting responses that not only answer the question but leave a lasting impression of your unique contributions and potential impact on the company. Get ready to take center stage.

Understanding the question

Before you begin your performance, it's essential to understand the underlying motives of this particular query. Employers are not seeking a rehearsed script; they're looking for authenticity and a genuine connection between your skills and the company's needs.

This common question is often asked to assess your preparedness, motivation, and skills alignment with the role. This question delves into your understanding of the company's goals and culture, evaluating your enthusiasm and problem-solving abilities. By inquiring about the unique contributions you can make, interviewers aim to differentiate candidates, seeking tangible examples of past achievements to determine how well you align with the company's strategic direction. Your response provides an opportunity to showcase your distinct skills and qualities, offering insights into how you can positively impact the team and contribute to the company's success.

Crafting your response

  1. Research and tailor

  • Open the act with a nod to your research prowess. Showcase your knowledge about the company's essence—its mission, values, and recent triumphs.
  • Tailor your response as if it were a bespoke suit, aligning seamlessly with the specific needs and aspirations of the company.
  1. Showcase your skills

  • The next scene spotlights your skills. Identify the key moves required for the role and choreograph your response to showcase your mastery.
  • Use anecdotes from your professional repertoire to demonstrate how your skills have orchestrated positive outcomes.
  1. Quantify your achievements

  • As the plot thickens, insert quantitative measures of your achievements. Numbers add a dramatic punch and lend credence to your narrative.
  • Illuminate your past successes; quantify them to showcase the tangible impact you've made.
  1. Highlight your unique qualities

  1. Express enthusiasm

  • As the interview unfolds, infuse it with genuine enthusiasm. Your passion should be palpable, an infectious energy that resonates with your potential employers.
  • Reference specific aspects of the company that genuinely excite you, creating an authentic connection.

To help you practice, here is an example of how you should respond to the question:

"I am thrilled at the prospect of contributing to [Company Name] in numerous ways. With my [mention specific skills], I am poised to [mention specific tasks or projects relevant to the role]. In my previous role at [Previous Company], I achieved [quantify achievement] by implementing [specific strategy]. I am particularly drawn to [Company Name]'s commitment to [mention a company value or initiative], and my [unique quality] aligns seamlessly with this vision. I am eager to bring my passion for [relevant industry] and my track record of success to contribute to the continued growth and success of [Company Name]."

Crafting a response to the question of adding value is your moment to shine. Approach it as an invitation to highlight your professional story with authenticity and enthusiasm. Break a leg—your stage awaits!
Now that you’re a pro at answering this common interview question, explore thousands of job opportunities on and happy job hunt!

Natalie Mahmoud Fawzi Al Saad